Instructions for Authors

All papers should be formatted according to the EDM template:

and should be submitted to EasyChair at:

Please take into account the page limits for your track (refer to the call for papers)! The acknowledgements and references sections at the end of the paper do not count towards the listed page limits.


Please follow the accessibility guidelines detailed in the submission templates above. Accessibility is required for all accepted papers.

If you would like accessibility support for the paper submission, please contact the following people:

  • Anna Rafferty (EDI chair;
  • Nigel Bosch (Accessibility chair;
  • Benjamin Paaßen (Program chair;
  • Carrie Demmans Epp (Program chair,

Ethics and Reproducibility Checklist

Authors and reviewers are asked to consider the following checklist when preparing and reviewing papers:

  1. Does the submission provide demographic information on the population involved in any
    studies or the population in any datasets that are used?
  2. If new data are collected, does the submission describe how participants’ privacy rights
    were respected in the data collection process?
  3. Does the submission replicate new or existing results across population(s)?
  4. Does the submission include a discussion about both potential positive and negative
    educational impacts of the proposed research artifact or application?
  5. Does the submission discuss possible ethical concerns related to the work?
  6. Does the submission discuss the limitations of the work?
  7. Does the submission indicate the computational power and rough amount of compute
    time needed to produce the results?
  8. Does the paper provide open-source code to reproduce the results?
  9. Are links provided to the dataset(s) used in the paper to allow others to freely use that data?

For additional considerations regarding reproducibility please check Joelle’s checklist

Source Code

Links to existing source code are encouraged, however to keep the double-masked reviewing, we suggest using a service such as Anonymous GitHub (

Statement on Open Science

Authors are encouraged to conduct their scientific inquiry using emerging best practices in open science. Authors are encouraged to preregister their study design, hypotheses, and analysis plans, and publish these using platforms such as or Whenever possible, feasible, and ethical, authors are encouraged to make their data, materials, and scripts openly available for inspection, replication, and follow-up analysis. The best way to share these materials is to use an established platform like

Authors are also encouraged to post pre-prints of their submissions with preprint hosting sites such as or on their own sites. If accepted, any preprint version should be updated to refer readers to the journal version as the document of record. We support open dissemination of knowledge as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).

Camera-Ready Instructions

Addressing Reviewers’ Comments

In the email with the acceptance notification, you received comments from the reviewers. We hope this feedback will be helpful in revising your paper. Please take the concerns and comments of the reviewers seriously as you revise your paper. You are allowed to have an optional extra page, in addition to the designated page limits, to help address the comments. The reviewer comments shall be seamlessly incorporated into the main body of the paper.


Additionally, each paper is allowed to have an appendix that may include figures, charts, or tables with supplementary information such as a diagram of the system from which your data was collected, excess results, mathematical details, etc. The appendix is optional and should not exceed two pages, if you choose to include one. It should not be the case that content is just moved from main paper to appendix to meet length requirements.

Preparing Camera Ready Version

For the camera-ready version, please de-anonymize your paper, ensuring that each author’s name, email, and affiliation is present. Please be sure your margins and formatting match that in the EDM templates; Word and LaTeX templates are available at Please note that margins and formatting must be correct for publication. If your paper is incorrectly formatted after the camera-ready deadline, please expect follow-up emails from the proceedings chairs until it is corrected.

The page limit is as follows. For all tracks, the acknowledgement section, references section at the end of the paper, and the appendix do not count towards the listed page limits.

  • Full paper: 10 + 1 pages
  • Short paper: 6 + 1 pages
  • Industry Track: 6 +1 pages
  • Doctoral Consortium papers: 4 +1 pages
  • Poster: 4 +1 pages
  • Demo: 4 + 1 pages
  • Workshop or Tutorial abstract: 4 + 1 pages

For all paper types above:

  • Appendix: Maximum 2 pages
  • References: Unlimited

If your paper was accepted in a shorter format than it was originally submitted in (e.g., long paper accepted as poster), please make sure the paper matches the new page limit. Extra pages will be removed prior to the proceedings. Note that the paper’s category information on the EasyChair submission page remained the same as your original submission. You should refer to the notification email for the accepted type of your paper.

The final camera-ready paper must be uploaded by May 10, 2024, 11:59 pm anywhere on Earth for it to be included in the proceedings.

Camera-ready papers are covered by EDM’s publication agreement, based on Creative Commons 4.0. DOIs will be assigned to papers via Zenodo, and ISBN will be added to the proceedings. We will provide more details about the proceedings as it gets closer to the conference.

HTML conversion

It is also mandatory to test HTML conversion, since it may uncover flaws in paper formatting that will save time when making PDF proceedings. To this end, upload your paper source files (DOCX or LaTeX) to for conversion to HTML. This is necessary to improve the accessibility of EDM papers for people with print disabilities, because PDF files are typically not well suited to screen readers. It also improves the searchability and discoverability of your paper in search engines.

Uploading Camera Ready Version

Your camera-ready version should be uploaded as a PDF file. You can upload the camera-ready PDF logged in as your “Author” role on EasyChair, using the “update file” menu in your submission.
The title, abstract, keywords, and other metadata in EasyChair must also be updated to match the final version of the paper, because the proceedings will use the data in EasyChair.