List of Accepted Papers
Full Papers
Topic Transitions in MOOCs: An Analysis Study Fareedah Alsaad, Thomas Reichel, Yuchen Zeng and Abdussalam Alawini |
Student-centric Model of Login Patterns: A Case Study with Learning Management Systems Varun Mandalapu, Lujie Chen, Zhiyuan Chen and Jiaqi Gong |
Automatically classifying student help requests: a multi-year analysis Zhikai Gao, Collin Lynch, Sarah Heckman and Tiffany Barnes |
Which Hammer should I Use? A Systematic Evaluation of Approaches for Classifying Educational Forum Posts Lele Sha, Mladen Rakovic, Alexander Whitelock-Wainwright, David Carroll, Dragan Gasevic and Guanliang Chen |
Student Strategy Prediction using a Neuro-Symbolic Approach Anup Shakya, Vasile Rus and Deepak Venugopal |
SimPairing – Exploring Dynamic Pairing Policies through Historical Data Simulation and User-centered Research Kexin Yang, Xuejian Wang, Vanessa Echeverria, Luettamae Lawrence, Kenneth Holstein, Nikol Rummel and Vincent Aleven |
Estimating the Intelligent Tutor Effects on Specific Posttest Problems Adam Sales, Ethan Prihar, Neil Heffernan and John Pane |
Just a Few Expert Constraints Can Help: Humanizing Data-Driven Subgoal Detection for Novice Programming Samiha Marwan, Yang Shi, Ian Menezes, Min Chi, Tiffany Barnes and Thomas Price |
Math Operation Embeddings for Open-ended Solution Analysis and Feedback Mengxue Zhang, Zichao Wang, Richard Baraniuk and Andrew Lan |
Learning from Non-Assessed Resources: Deep Multi-Type Knowledge Tracing Chunpai Wang, Siqian Zhao and Shaghayegh Sahebi |
Improving Automated Scoring of Student Open Responses in Mathematics Sami Baral, Anthony F Botelho, John A Erickson, Priyanka Benachamardi and Neil T Heffernan |
Can Feature Predictive Power Generalize? Benchmarking Early Predictors of Student Success across Flipped and Online Courses Mirko Marras, Julien Tuan Tu Vignoud and Tanja Käser |
Investigating the Validity of Methods Used to Adjust for Multiple Comparisons in Educational Data Mining Jeffrey Matayoshi and Shamya Karumbaiah |
Knowing both when and where: Temporal-ASTNN for Early Prediction of Student Success in Novice Programming Tasks Ye Mao, Yang Shi, Samiha Marwan, Thomas Price, Tiffany Barnes and Min Chi |
Learning student program embeddings using abstract execution traces Guillaume Cleuziou and Frédéric Flouvat |
Early Prediction of Conceptual Understanding in Interactive Simulations Jade Cock, Mirko Marras, Christian Giang and Tanja Käser |
Say What? Automatic Modeling of Collaborative Problem Solving Skills from Student Speech in the Wild Samuel Pugh, Shree Krishna Subburaj, Arjun Ramesh Rao, Angela Stewart, Jessica Andrews-Todd and Sidney D’Mello |
Acting Engaged: Leveraging Player Persona Archetypes for Semi-Supervised Classification of Engagement Benjamin Nye, Mark G. Core, Shikhar Jaiswal, Aviroop Ghosal and Daniel Auerbach |
Generative Grading: Near Human-level Accuracy for Automated Feedback on Richly Structured Problems Ali Malik, Mike Wu, Vrinda Vasavada, Jinpeng Song, Madison Coots, John Mitchell, Noah Goodman and Chris Piech |
Early Prediction of Museum Visitor Engagement with Multimodal Adversarial Domain Adaptation Nathan Henderson, Wookhee Min, Andrew Emerson, Jonathan Rowe, Seung Lee, James Minogue and James Lester |
Student Performance Prediction Using Dynamic Neural Models Marina Delianidi, Konstantinos Diamantaras, George Chrysogonidis and Vasileios Nikiforidis |
Behavioral Testing of Deep Knowledge Tracing Models Minsam Kim, Yugeun Shim, Seewoo Lee, Hyunbin Loh and Juneyoung Park |
Short Papers
The effects of a personalized recommendation system on students’ high-stakes achievement scores: A field experiment Nilanjana Chakraborty, Samrat Roy, Walter Leite and George Michailidis |
Knowledge Transfer by Discriminative Pre-training for Academic Performance Prediction Byungsoo Kim, Hangyeol Yu, Dongmin Shin and Youngduck Choi |
Sentiment Analysis of Student Surveys – A Case Study on Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Higher Education Teaching Haydée Guillot Jiménez, Anna Carolina Finamore, Marco Antonio Casanova and Gonçalo Simões |
Exploring the Importance of Factors Contributing to Dropouts in Higher Education Over Time Hasan Tanvir and Irene-Angelica Chounta |
Linguistic and Gestural Coordination: Do Learners Converge in Collaborative Dialogue? Arabella Sinclair and Bertrand Schneider |
On the Limitations of Human-Computer Agreement in Automated Essay Scoring Afrizal Doewes and Mykola Pechenizkiy |
Predicting Student Performance Using Teacher Observation Reports Menna Fateen and Tsunenori Mine |
Context-aware knowledge tracing integrated with the exercise representation and association in mathematics Tao Huang, Mengyi Liang, Huali Yang, Zhi Li, Tao Yu and Shengze Hu |
Grouping Source Code by Solution Approaches — Improving Feedback in Programming Courses Frank Höppner |
Embedding navigation patterns for student performance prediction Ekaterina Loginova and Dries Benoit |
Recommending Knowledge Concepts on MOOC Platforms with Meta-path-based Representation Learning Guangyuan Piao |
Modeling Creativity in Visual Programming: From Theory to Practice Anastasia Kovalkov, Benjamin Paassen, Avi Segal, Kobi Gal and Niels Pinkwart |
Fair-Capacitated Clustering Tai Le Quy, Arjun Roy, Gunnar Friege and Eirini Ntoutsi |
A Novel Algorithm for Aggregating Crowdsourced Opinions Ethan Prihar and Neil Heffernan |
pyBKT: An Accessible Library of Bayesian Knowledge Tracing Models Anirudhan Badrinath, Frederic Wang and Zach Pardos |
Speeding up without Loss of Accuracy: Item Position Effects on Examinees’ Performance in University Exams Leonardo Vida, Maria Bolsinova and Matthieu J. S. Brinkhuis |
Going Online: A simulated student approach for evaluating knowledge tracing in the context of mastery learning Qiao Zhang and Christopher MacLellan |
Effects of Algorithmic Transparency in Bayesian Knowledge Tracing on Trust and Perceived Accuracy Kimberly Williamson and Rene Kizilcec |
Using Keystroke Analytics to Understand Cognitive Processes during Writing Mo Zhang, Hongwen Guo and Xiang Liu |
Quizzing Policy Using Reinforcement Learning for Inferring the Student Knowledge State Joy He-Yueya and Adish Singla |
Automated Claim Identification Using NLP Features in Student Argumentative Essays Qian Wan, Scott Crossley, Michelle Banawan, Renu Balyan, Danielle McNamara and Laura Allen |
ALL-IN-ONE: Multi-Task Learning BERT models for Evaluating Peer Assessments Qinjin Jia, Jialin Cui, Yunkai Xiao, Chengyuan Liu, Parvez Rashid and Edward Gehringer |
Finding the optimal topic sequence for online courses using SERPs as a Proxy Sylvio Rüdian and Niels Pinkwart |
Combining Cognitive and Machine Learning Models to Mine CPR Training Histories for Personalized Predictions Florian Sense, Michael Krusmark, Joshua Fiechter, Michael G. Collins, Lauren Sanderson, Joshua Onia and Tiffany Jastrzembski |
Assessing attendance by peer information Pan Deng, Jianjun Zhou, Jing Lyu and Zitong Zhao |
Do Common Educational Datasets contain Static Information? A Statistical Study Théo Barollet, Florent Bouchez-Tichadou and Fabrice Rastello |
Learning Expert Models for Educationally Relevant Tasks using Reinforcement Learning Christopher Maclellan and Adit Gupta |
LANA: Towards Personalized Deep Knowledge Tracing Through Distinguishable Interactive Sequences Yuhao Zhou, Xihua Li, Yunbo Cao, Xuemin Zhao, Qing Ye and Jiancheng Lv |
Math Question Solving and MCQ Distractor Generation with attentional GRU Networks Neisarg Dave, Riley Owen Bakes, Bart Pursel and C. Lee Giles |
Targeting Design-Loop Adaptivity Stephen Fancsali, Hao Li, Michael Sandbothe and Steven Ritter |
Integrating Deep Learning into An Automated Feedback Generation System for Automated Essay Scoring Chang Lu and Maria Cutumisu |
Sharpest Tool in the Shed: Investigating SMART Models of Self-Regulation and their Impact on Learning Stephen Hutt, Jaclyn Ocumpaugh, Juliana Ma. Alexandra L. Andres, Nigel Bosch, Luc Paquette, Gautam Biswas and Ryan Baker |
Automatic short answer grading with SBERT on out-of-sample questions Aubrey Condor, Max Litster and Zachary Pardos |
More With Less: Exploring How to Use Deep Learning Effectively through Semi-supervised Learning for Automatic Bug Detection in Student Code Yang Shi, Ye Mao, Tiffany Barnes, Min Chi and Thomas Price |
Toward Improving Student Model Estimates through Assistance Scores in Principle and in Practice Napol Rachatasumrit and Kenneth Koedinger |
From Detail to Context: Modeling Distributed Practice Intensity and Timing by Multiresolution Signal Analysis Cheng-Yu Chung and I-Han Hsiao |
What you apply is not what you learn! Examining students’ strategies in German capitalization tasks Nathalie Rzepka, Hans-Georg Müller and Katharina Simbeck |
Experimental Evaluation of Similarity Measures for Educational Items Jaroslav Čechák and Radek Pelánek |
Student Practice Sessions Modeled as ICAP Activity Silos Adam Gaweda and Collin Lynch |
Using Student Trace Logs To Determine Meaningful Progress and Struggle During Programming Problem Solving Yihuan Dong, Samiha Marwan, Preya Shabrina, Tiffany Barnes and Thomas Price |
Analyzing Student Success and Mistakes in Virtual Microscope Structure Search Tasks Benjamin Paaßen, Andreas Bertsch, Katharina Langer-Fischer, Sylvio Rüdian, Xia Wang, Rupali Sinha, Jakub Kuzilek, Stefan Britsch and Niels Pinkwart |
Deep-IRT with independent student and item networks Emiko Tsutsumi, Ryo Kinoshita and Maomi Ueno |
Gaining Insights on Student Course Selection in Higher Education with Community Detection Erla Guðrún Sturludóttir, Eydís Arnardóttir, Gísli Hjálmtýsson and María Óskarsdóttir |
Automatic Assessment of the Design Quality of Python Programs with Personalized Feedback Walker Orr and Nathaniel Russell |
Poster Papers
Using Data Quality to compare the Prediction Accuracy based on diverse annotated Tutor Scorings Sylvio Rüdian and Niels Pinkwart |
Towards automated content analysis of feedback: A multi-language study Ikenna Osakwe, Alexander Whitelock-Wainwright, Guanliang Chen, Rafael Ferreira Mello, Anderson Pinheiro Cavalcanti and Dragan Gašević |
Generate: A NLG system for educational content creation Saad Khan, Jesse Hamer and Tiago Almeida |
Detecting Careless Responding to Assessment Items in a Virtual Learning Environment Using Person-fit Indices and Random Forest Sanaz Nazari, Walter Leite and Anne Huggins-Manley |
Linguistic Features of Discourse within an Algebra Online Discussion Board Michelle Banawan, Renu Balyan, Jinnie Shin, Walter Leite and Danielle McNamara |
Demonstrating REACT: a Real-time Educational AI-powered Classroom Tool Ajay Kulkarni and Olga Gkountouna |
Predicting Young Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Deficits Through Their Activity and Self-Evaluation Traces Thomas Sergent, Morgane Daniel, François Bouchet and Thibault Carron |
LMS Log Data Analysis from Fully-Online Flipped Classrooms: An Exploratory Case Study via Regularization Jin Eun Yoo and Minjeong Rho |
Catalog: An educational content tagging system Saad Khan, Joshua Rosaler, Jesse Hamer and Tiago Almeida |
Execution Trace Based Feature Engineering To Enable Formative Feedback on Visual, Interactive Programs Wengran Wang, Gordon Fraser, Tiffany Barnes, Chris Martens and Thomas Price |
Mining Course Groupings based on Academic Performance Daniel Leeds, Tianyi Zhang and Gary Weiss |
Feedback and Self-Regulated Learning in Science Reading Effat Farhana, Andrew Potter, Teomara Rutherford and Collin F. Lynch |
The CommonLit Ease of Readability (CLEAR) Corpus Scott Crossley, Aron Heintz, Joon Choi, Jordan Batchelor, Mehrnoush Karimi and Agnes Malatinszky |
Measuring the Academic Impact of Course Sequencing using Student Grade Data Tess Gutenbrunner, Daniel Leeds, Spencer Ross, Michael Riad-Zaky and Gary Weiss |
Analyzing Ranking Strategies to Characterize Competition for Co-Operative Work Placements Shivangi Chopra and Lukasz Golab |
Leveraging Survey and Motion Sensors Data to Promote Gender Inclusion in Makerspaces Edwin Chng, Stephanie Yang, Gahyun Sung, Tyler Yoo and Bertrand Schneider |
Tracing Knowledge for Tracing Dropouts: Multi-Task Training for Study Session Dropout Prediction Seewoo Lee, Kyu Seok Kim, Jamin Shin and Juneyoung Park |
Deep learning for sentence clustering in essay grading support Li-Hsin Chang, Iiro Rastas, Jenna Kanerva, Valtteri Skantsi, Sampo Pyysalo and Filip Ginter |
Lockdown Learning: Changes in Online Study Activity and Performance of Dutch Secondary School Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic Maarten van der Velde, Florian Sense, Rinske Spijkers, Martijn Meeter and Hedderik van Rijn |
Restructuring Curricular Patterns Using Bayesian Networks Ahmad Slim, Gregory Heileman, Chaouki Abdallah, Ameer Slim and Najem Sirhan |
Improving Automated Teacher Discourse Classification via Automated Reliability Modeling Nicholas C. Hunkins, Emily Jensen and Sidney K. D’Mello |
Analysis of Factors Influencing User Contribution and Predicting Involvement of Users on Stack Overflow Maliha Mahbub, Najia Manjur, Mahjabin Alam and Julita Vassileva |
Automatic Domain Model Creation and Improvement Philip I. Pavlik Jr., Luke Eglington and Liang Zhang |
To Scale or Not to Scale: Comparing Popular Sentiment Analysis Dictionaries on Educational Twitter Data Conrad Borchers, Joshua Rosenberg, Ben Gibbons, Macy Alana Burchfield and Christian Fischer |
The Impact of Learning Analytics on Student Performance and Satisfaction in a Higher Education Course Dimitrios Tzimas and Stavros Demetriadis |
Sex-Related Behavioral Differences in Online Math Classes: An Epistemic Network Analysis Yufei Gu and Kun Xu |
SimGrade: Using Code Similarity Measures for More Accurate Human Grading Sonja Johnson-Yu, Nicholas Bowman, Mehran Sahami and Chris Piech |
Identifying Hubs in Undergraduate Course Networks Based on Scaled Co-Enrollments Gary Weiss, Nam Nguyen, Karla Dominguez and Daniel Leeds |
Early Detection of At-risk Students based on Knowledge Distillation RNN Models Ryusuke Murata, Tsubasa Minematsu and Atsushi Shimada |
Are Violations of Student Privacy “Quick and Easy”? Investigating the Privacy of Students’ Images and Names in the Context of K-12 Educational Institution’s Posts on Facebook Macy Burchfield, Joshua Rosenberg, Conrad Borchers, Tayla Thomas, Benjamin Gibbons and Christian Fischer |
Predicting Executive Functions in a Learning Game: Accuracy and Reaction Time Jing Zhang, Teresa Ober, Yang Jiang, Jan Plass and Bruce Homer |
Classroom Analytics for the Teacher, by the Teacher: Building Interpretable Descriptors for Student Posture Analysis in a Physical Classroom Lujie Chen and David Gerritsen |
A New Readability Assessment Tool Rebecca Watson and Ekaterina Kochmar |
Predictive Sequential Pattern Mining via Interpretable Convolutional Neural Networks Lan Jiang and Nigel Bosch |
Fine-Grained Versus Coarse-Grained Data for Estimating Time-on-Task in Learning Programming Juho Leinonen, Francisco Enrique Vicente Castro and Arto Hellas |
Towards Explainable Student Group Collaboration Assessment Models Using Temporal Representations of Individual Student Roles Anirudh Som, Sujeong Kim, Bladimir Lopez-Prado, Svati Dhamija, Nonye Alozie and Amir Tamrakar |
Is It Fair? Automated Open Response Grading John A. Erickson, Anthony F. Botelho, Zonglin Peng, Rui Huang, Meghana V. Kasal and Neil Heffernan |
Towards Difficulty Controllable Selection of Next-Sentence Prediction Questions Jingrong Feng and Jack Mostow |
Analysis of stopping criteria for Bayesian Adaptive Mastery Assessment Androniki Sapountzi, Sandjai Bhulai, I. Cornelisz and Chris Van Klaveren |
Academic Integrity in Online Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Social Media Mining Study Mohammad Parsa and Lukasz Golab |
AQuAA: Analytics for Quality Assurance in Assessment Manqian Liao, Yigal Attali and Alina A. von Davier |
Mining sequential patterns with high usage variation Yingbin Zhang and Luc Paquette |
The Cold Start Problem and Interpretation of Knowledge Tracing Models’ Predictive Performance Jiayi Zhang, Rohini Das, Ryan S. Baker and Richard Scruggs |
Recommendation System for Engineering Programs Candidates Bruno Mota da Silva and Claudia Antunes |
Text Representations of Math Tutorial Videos forClustering, Retrieval, and Learning Gain Prediction Pichayut Liamthong and Jacob Whitehill |
JEDM Papers
Affect, Support and Personal Factors: Multimodal Causal Models of One-on-one Coaching Lujie Karen Chen, Joseph Ramsey and Artur Dubrawski |
ast2vec: Utilizing Recursive Neural Encodings of Python Programs Benjamin Paaßen, Jessica McBroom, Bryn Jeffries Grok, Irena Koprinska and Kalina Yacef |
Extending Adaptive Spacing Heuristics to MultiSkill Items Benoît Choffin, Fabrice Popineau and Yolaine Bourda |
Doctoral Consortium Papers
Towards fair, explainable and actionable clustering for learning analytics Tai Le Quy and Eirini Ntoutsi |
A Time-Aware Approach to Detect Patterns and Predict Help-Seeking Behaviour in Adaptive Educational Systems Raquel Horta-Bartomeu and Olga C. Santos |
Mixed Data Sampling in Learning Analytics Julian Langenhagen |
Towards a Conception and Integration of an Educational Social Network into an Institutional Learning Platform Romaric Bassole, Frédéric T. Ouedraogo and Laurence Capus |
Industry Papers
Online Estimation of Student Ability and Item Difficulty with Glicko-2 Rating System on Stratified Data Jaesuk Park |
UPreG: An Unsupervised approach for building the Concept Prerequisite Graph Varun Sabnis, Kumar Abhinav, Venkatesh Subramania, Alpana Dubey and Padmaraj Bhat |
Benefits of alternative evaluation methods for Automated Essay Scoring Øistein E. Andersen, Rebecca Watson, Zheng Yuan and Kevin Yet Fong Cheung |
Methods for Language Learning Assessment at Scale: Duolingo Case Study Lucy Portnoff, Erin Gustafson, Joseph Rollinson and Klinton Bicknell |