Workshops and Tutorials
Access to all workshops on July 10th is free for anyone with a registration to the main conference. Please use Whova to find the Zoom links for each of them! The workshop and tutorial schedules are shown below. Information and links to each workshop and tutorial’s website is at the bottom of the page.

Causal Inference in Educational Data Mining
Adam Sales, Stephen Fancsali, Anthony Botelho, Joseph Jay Williams, Neil Heffernan.
Educational Data for Mining in Computer Science Education (CSDM)
Thomas Price, Peter Brusilovsky, Sharon Hsiao, Kenneth Koedinger and Yang Shi
FATED: Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Educational Data (Mining)
Nigel Bosch, Christopher Brooks, Shayan Doroudi, Josh Gardner, Kenneth Holstein, Andrew Lan, Collin Lynch, Beverly Park Woolf, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Steven Ritter , Jill-Jênn Vie, and Renzhe Yu
Reproducibility and Replication of Analytic Methods with LearnSphere
John Stamper, Kenneth Koedinger and Philip I. Pavlik Jr.
Vasile Rus, Stephen Fancsali
An Introduction to Neural Networks
Agathe Merceron and Ange Tato