Virtual Registration Rates:
Registration | Regular | Student |
Conference Presenter * | US $100 | US $50 |
Workshop Presenter | US $50 | US $25 |
Attendee | US $50 | US $25 |
The EDM 2020 Virtual Conference offers two options for registration:
Presenters (camera-ready copy submission deadline: May 12 to May 30)
At least one author of accepted papers/posters must register. For the doctoral consortium, the student author must register.
*Note: In case one author has several contributions, each author registration covers up to two full/short/industry/poster/demo/DC/JEDM papers, plus one additional poster/demo/DC paper. For each additional contribution by the same registered author, there is an additional US $25 fee for regular registrations and a US $15 fee for student registrations. Students are not required to register as authors if one of the co-authors is already registered as an author, unless the submission is for the DC.
Attendees (May 12 to July 6)
Registered participants will have access to all papers and resources.
All registered EDM participants (presenters and attendees) will have access to all papers, to all presentations, to additional resources in the Whova Virtual Conference system (web and mobile app), and to live streaming with Zoom. Workshops are included in the Conference fee.