Workshops and Tutorials
Learning Analytics: Building bridges between the Education and the Computing communities
Sébastien Béland, Iris Bourgault Bouthillier, Michel Desmarais, Nathalie Loye, and Guillaume Loyon
Reinforcement Learning for Educational Data Mining
Hamoon Azizsoltani, Min Chi, Joseph Jay Williams, Tiffany Barnes, Anna Rafferty, Markel Sanz Ausin, and Yeo Jin Kim
Workshop on EDM & Games: Leveling Up Engaged Learning with Data-Rich Analytics
Jonathan Rowe, Bradford Mott, Luc Paquette and Seung Lee
Sharing and Reusing Data and Analytic Methods with LearnSphere
Kenneth Koedinger, John Stamper, Paulo Carvalho, Philip Pavlik, Jr., and Luke Eglington
Causal Discovery with Tetrad in LearnSphere’s Tigris
Richard Scheines, Peter Schaldenbrand, and Kenneth Koedinger
Designing and Developing Open, Pedagogically-Based Predictive Models using the Moodle Analytics API
Elizabeth Dalton and David Monllaó