Submission Categories
- JEDM Journal Track Papers: Submit your best work to the Journal of EDM, get it accepted before April 11th, 2016 and have your work presented at EDM 2016. Accepted papers will be published in JEDM shortly after the final versions are received.
- Workshops, Tutorials: 2 pages. Workshops describe an emerging subfield and the plan organizers have to build growth in this new area. Tutorials describe a tool/method, the organizers and their expertise, and a plan for attendees to learn it in a hands-on way.
- Full Papers: 8 pages. Original, substantive, mature and unpublished work.
- Short Papers: 4-6 pages. This includes early stage, less developed works in progress.
- Industry Papers: 4-6 pages. Innovative uses of EDM in a commercial setting.
- Doctoral Consortium: 3 pages. Summary of doctoral student’s research topic, proposed contributions, results so far, and aspects of the research on which advice is sought.
- Posters, Demos: 2 pages.
Preparing papers
Templates: Word, LaTex (zip file).
Submitting papers
Submissions will be received and processed with EasyChair. The conference proceedings will include all accepted conference submissions except tutorial proposals and workshop papers.