Investigation of behavioral Differences: Uncovering Behavioral Sources of Demographic Bias in Educational Algorithms
Jade Mai Cock
Hugues Saltini
Haoyu Sheng
Riya Ranjan
Richard Davis
Tanja Käser


Predictive models play a pivotal role in education by aiding learning, teaching, and assessment processes. However, they have the potential to perpetuate educational inequalities through algorithmic biases. This paper investigates how behavioral differences across demographic groups of different sizes propagate through the student success modeling pipeline and how this affects the fairness of predictions. We start by using Differential Sequence Mining to investigate behavioral differences across demographics groups. We then use Fisherian Random Invariance Tests on the layers of the intervention prediction model to investigate how behavioral differences affect the activations within the neural network as well as the predicted outcomes. Both these pattern mining methods are applied to the interaction data from two inquiry-based environments: an interactive simulation and an educational game. While both environments have an unbalanced distribution of demographic attributes, only one of them produces a biased predictive model. We find that for the former environment, the fair model’s intermediate layers do not discriminate between different demographic groups. In contrast, for the second environment’s biased model, the layers discriminate between demographic groups rather than the target labels. Our findings indicate that model bias arises primarily from a lack of representation of behaviors rather than demographic attributes, though the two remain closely interconnected.


student models, fairness, pattern mining, open ended learning environments


Predictive algorithms in digital learning environments have been shown to be effective at identifying students at risk of failure. This is vital to guide teachers towards those who struggle the most, enabling timely interventions to prevent them from falling behind [13194]. Such algorithms can be applied in the context of learners struggling with specific tasks, concepts or activities [244], or at a larger scale to identify students at risk of general academic underachievement [21319]. In short, they can play crucial roles throughout the academic paths of students. Consequently, in a society where disparities already exist across specific communities [3101720], it is essential to ensure that these algorithms do not perpetuate or amplify existing biases, but instead help to correct them. In this paper, we aim to understand how variances in small datasets propagate through simple networks, and how it affects equalized odds. It has been shown that nationality, country, socio-economic status and cultural backgrounds are all demographic attributes which can influence both learning strategies and expectations towards education (e.g. [3]). These differences may be problematic as they may generate Data to Algorithm biases in machine learning pipelines where a mix of different populations is present [12]. The algorithm developed during COVID to predict GCSEs grades is an example of such a problematic bias[18]. Students from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds and regions were negatively impacted while the wealthier and more privileged benefited from it. Consequently, the government had to revert to relying solely on teacher assessments [9]. This case underscores the importance of identifying and addressing biases, empowering policymakers and researchers to make informed decisions and address ethical concerns raised by these biases.

This research aims to identify Data to Algorithm representational bias in small datasets which do not impact minority groups, and understand how these biases propagate throughout machine learning pipelines. This, to anticipate whether specific sets of data will generate unfair predictions, to save resources on retraining and mitigating unfair predictors, and to understand why it happens such as to develop more suitable methods to mitigate biases. Specifically, in this paper, we seek to answer three research questions: 1) Are underrepresented groups at a disadvantage in student models? 2) Can we verify that different demographics express different behaviors on OELEs? 3)How do these differences affect fair predictions and propagate through student models? To that effect, we train and evaluate student models on behavioral data from two different open ended learning environments on populations from which we have demographic information about region. We apply two pattern mining algorithms (Differential Sequential Mining and Fischerian Random Invariance) to the same behavioral data and to the outputs of the different layers of the trained student models. We show there exists behavioral differences across demographic groups which lead both models to partially focus on these rather than on the task they were trained on, therefore propagating biases. We also show that demographic imbalance is not the origin of the bias present in our models. Rather, the lack of signal in the majority group is, whether due to the heterogeneity of the dataset or to the blurrier data boundaries. We call it thus a signal bias and formally define it throughout this paper. With this work, hope to emphasize the importance of understanding the root of unfair behavior, and specifically highlight the importance of focusing on behavioral markers, in addition to demographic ones, when correcting for demographic bias.


To study (i) the relations between demographics and behavior in-depth and (ii) how biases are propagated through intervention prediction models, we employed the framework illustrated in Fig 1. This framework consists of two phases: Student Intervention Predictions and Behavioral Investigation. In the first stage, we collected data from two different inquiry-based environments and extracted a range of behavioral indicators. We then trained models composed of gated-recurrent units with Attention mechanisms and evaluated the accuracy and fairness of the resulting student intervention classifiers. In the second stage, we compared sub-populations of our datasets at three different points in our student models, namely the: 1) Input level: behavioral traces of student interactions, 2) Layers level: the output values of the model’s layers, 3) Prediction level: the differences and similarities between the misclassified groups and the groups they were classified as. In this section, we describe each of these phases in details. For both stages, we use the same input features such that the analysis from one stage to the other remains consistent.

2.1 Problem Formalization

Each student \(u\) in our data \(\mathcal {U}\) always belongs to one of two demographic groups \(\texttt {d}\in \{\)m\(_-\) or M\(^+\}\). In general, we denote the minority group by lower\(_-\) case letters with a \(-\) underscored, and the majority group by UPPER\(^+\) case letters overlined with a \(+\). In each learning activity, the students were required to interact with the simulation to solve the required tasks. We denote their behavior on the simulation as: \(S_u\) the sequence of their \(n\) interactions on the environment. Based on their performances, the students were either assigned to the intervention group or the high understanding group. We call the student model which we train to predict their intervention needs based on their sequence of action \(S_u\) the classifier or student model. We call the model extracting frequent interaction patterns from a specific group of users the pattern mining algorithm. We mined both interaction patterns and output patterns. Interaction patterns are defined as chronologically ordered subsequences of clicks, and Output patterns specific value of a specific output layer. We use pattern or trait to refer to both interaction patterns and output patterns. Finally, we refer to signal as the presence or degree of discernible differences or patterns between the groups or categories that we aim to classify.

On the bottom is the behavioral investigation figure. Behavioral investigation happens either through output pattern  mining, or interaction pattern mining. Through interaction pattern mining, we apply differential sequence mining on the clickstream data to find the patterns that are specific to one group or another. With output pattern mining, we investigate the patterns from the output of neural network layers which are specific to one group or another. On the top, it is our student intervention prediction pipeline, which starts with the 1) the input of the clickstream data into the intervention model, the intervention model which starts with a GRU layer, an attention layer, and finally a dense layer, to output the predictions.
Figure 1: (LEFT) Student Intervention Prediction pipeline. behavioral clickstream data is fed into the GRU-Att network which outputs the probability of a student belonging to the high or interv. learners group based on post-test performances. (BOTTOM) behavioral Investigation pipeline. Differential Sequential mining is applied on the sequences (BOTTOM-top), while simple FRI are applied to the output values of each intermediate layer of the GRU-Att network (BOTTOM-bottom).

2.2 Open Ended Learning Environments

In the next subsections, we describe the Open Ended Learning Environments (OELEs) from which we extracted the sequences \(S_u\) for each student \(u\in \mathcal {U}\), the learning indicators \(i_j\in S_U=\{i_1, i_2, ..., i_{n-1}, i_n\}\), and the mappings \(m\) linking \(a_u\) to \(l_u\in \{\texttt {high}, \texttt {interv.}\}\).

2.2.1 Beer’s Law

Full student intervention-behavioral investigation pipeline
Figure 2: (Top) Beer’s Law environment. (Bottom) Ranking task the students need to complete with the help of the simulation.

Environment. PhET interactive simulations1 allow students to explore scientific phenomena through exploring different parameter configurations and observing their effect on various dependent variables. Interacting with the simulation ideally enables students to infer the underlying principles on their own through their inquiry process  [2221]. In this paper, we focused on the Beer’s Law simulation (see Figure 2, Appendix A.1) and the phenomenon of absorbance which is influenced by 3 different independent variables. The task designed to guide students’ inquiry was to rank 4 different configurations in terms of absorbance (Figure 2, bottom).

Data Collection. The dataset was collected in vocational high school education classes in a European country. In total, \(254\) learners used the Beer’s Law simulation to rank 4 configurations. We collected their self-reported gender (females: \(108\), non-binary: \(4\), not-reported: \(7\), males: \(135\)) and the official language of their area2 (language\(_-\) : \(76\), LANGUAGE\(^+\) : \(178\)). The study was approved by the institutional ethics review board (HREC 064-2021)

Learning Indicators. We extracted the logs for each user \(u\in \mathcal {U}\), and transformed them as done previously in [6] (See Apprendix A.3).

Label Mapping. We defined the high understanding students as those who understood the relationship between the absorbance and at least two of the independent variable, and the intervention (interv.) students as those who understood the relationship between the dependent variable and less than 2 independent variables as described in [6].

2.2.2 TugLet

Tuglet Environment. To the left is the explore mode. There is a charriot, and 4 placeholder spots to the left of the charriot, and 4 to the right of the charriot. Below the charriot is a row with one big red stick figure, 4 middle red figures, and 4 small red figures. There is an identical row below with blue figures (either colour can be put on either side of the charriot). To the left of these two rows is a big play button. There is also a time on the top right, and on the top left there is the configuration the the student missed in the challenge questions. To the right of the figure is the challenge mode. There is a charriot in the middle with two red small figures on the left of the charriot, and one middle and 2 small blue figures to the right of the charriot. Below there is a question, which teams win, with three buttons: left, rie, right. There is time on the top right.
Figure 3: Tuglet in explore mode (left) and challenge (right).

Environment. TugLet [7] is an open ended learning game designed to play in 2 modes: explore and challenge. Through the exploration, the students need to uncover the weights of 3 different characters through tug of war. In the challenge mode, they are tested on different tug-of-war configurations. If they answer wrong, students are redirected to the “explore" mode. Until then, they can freely switch between modes at their discretion. The game ends when a player successfully predicts the outcomes of eight consecutive configurations (See Appendix A.2).

For this study, a post-test consisting of 10 questions evaluated the extent to which players had acquired an understanding of the relationships among the various figure strengths.

Data Collection. The dataset employed in our research was obtained through a classroom-based experiment conducted in multiple middle schools encompassing a total of \(1746\) participating students. We had partial information about teacher-reported sex (\(146\) females, \(148\) males, \(1452\) were not reported) and country (country\(_-\) : \(468\) and COUNTRY\(^+\) : \(1278\)). We note that country\(_-\) ranks 30+ places higher than the COUNTRY\(^+\) on the Economic Complexity Index [1]. The study was approved by the institutional ethics review board (HREC 060-2020/04.09.2020)

Using the logs, we record each challenge or explore trial as: 1) the type of figures (large, medium, small or none) on each sides of the cart ; 2) whether the configuration ended in a tie or not (one-hot encoded, in challenge mode only), 3) whether the interaction was in explore mode, 4) whether the answer was correct (challenge mode only).

Label Mapping. We defined the high understanding students as those who received a score of \(9\) or higher on the post-test. Indeed, to achieve such a high score, students needed to understand all the relations between the characters. Consequently, the intervention (interv.) students were those who received a score strictly lower than \(9\).

2.3 Student Success Prediction

2.3.1 Student Model Pipeline

For both OELEs, we used a simple network (GRU-Att) comprising of a Gated Recurrent Unit Cell followed by an Attention layer and a classification layer (Fig 1, top). We selected this architecture as it resembled the ones used in prior works on both datasets [65]. We trained both classifiers to predict intervention needs for each student.

2.3.2 Ground Truth

We use the labels high (0 / true negatives) and intervention (interv.) (1 / true positives) for each student as ground truth to train our predictors. Students are assigned to the group interv. or high based on their performances on their respective open ended learning environments, as described to the paragraphs Label Mapping in Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2.

2.3.3 Model Evaluation

Due to the small size of both datasets, we used 10000 runs of bootstrap sampling with replacement on the test set predictions to compute our classification scores (areas under the ROC curve, false positive rates, false negative rates and F1 scores) [16]. Indeed, computing the scores as the average over folds would mean to compute the score on less than \(10\) instances per fold for the minority group. Specifically, we computed classification performances over the whole population \(\mathcal {U}\), the chosen minority group \(\mathcal {U}^m\) and its complementary majority group \(\mathcal {U}^M\) at each run. We reported the mean and \(95\%\) confidence interval for each metric and each subpopulation over the 10000 bootstrapping runs. To compute the False Positive Rates (FPR) and False Negative Rates (FNR), we used the Youden statistical test to choose the optimal threshold to turn the raw predictions into high or intervention predictions [2315]. We used both of these metrics to compute the F1 score and assess equalized odds [12].

2.4 Tools to Investigate Biases Across Demographics and Levels of Understanding

To analyze the behavioral patterns between different demographic subpopulations and the relationships of these patterns to student success, we used Differential Sequence Mining and Fischerian Random Invariance tests to analyse the input sequences and outputs of the GRU and Attention layers of the models.

2.4.1 Pattern Mining

We employed two different pattern mining algorithms, the first one focusing on the sequential nature of the behavioral interactions and a second one focusing on analysing the outputs of the GRU and Attention layers of the network.

Differential Sequential Mining (DSM). We implemented the DSM algorithm as described in [8] and implemented by [14] to perform asymmetric comparisons. DSM is a three-step comparative algorithm. We start by defining 2 non overlapping groups to compare: \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {m}_-}\) and \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {M}^+}\). Step 1 is applied separately in each of these groups and consists in computing the student support (s-support). For each possible pattern, we count the proportion of students expressing that pattern. We call the patterns with a s-support\(\geq 0.5\) frequently expressed by the population. Step 2 consists in computing the interaction support for each pattern and each student, that is to compute how many times that pattern appears in each student’s interaction. Step 3 compares the distribution of i-supports of a pattern across the 2 non overlapping groups of students with a fisherian random invariance test to see if that pattern is significantly (\(p\leq 0.05\)) more expressed in the group with the highest average i-support. In doing so, we end up with 3 types of patterns: 1) the common interaction patterns: the patterns which are commonly expressed in both \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {m}_-}\) and \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {M}^+}\), 2)/3) the patterns specific to group \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {m}_-}\)/\(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {M}^+}\): patterns that significantly appear more in a group regardless of whether they are also present in a majority of students in group \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {M}^+}\)/\(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {m}_-}\).

Fischerian Random Invariance Test To investigate the behavior of the student models, we compared the values of the GRU and Attention layers output for different subgroups. To that effect, we applied a Fischerian Random Invariance test to each of the output values of the output vector individually, across 2 pre-defined subgroups of our users. We ended up with 2 types of output patterns: 1) the specific output patterns: output patterns which significantly vary across subpopulations, 2) the common output patterns: output patterns which do not significantly vary across different subpopulations. (See Appendix B)

2.4.2 Comparison Protocol

Demographic attributes Finally, we denote LANGUAGE\(^+\) the language region with the most students \(\mathcal {U}_b\) and language\(_-\) the language region with the least students in Beer’s Law. Similarly, we call COUNTRY\(^+\) the country represented by the most students in \(\mathcal {U}_t\) and country\(_-\) the country with the least amount of students in TugLet. We recall the majority country has a lower socio-economic status than that of the minority country. We focus on these demographic attributes related to area for consistency across datasets. We analyzed sex and gender on our github repository3.

Comparison groups To understand whether different demographics exhibited different inquiry behavior, we applied each pattern mining to our features or output values to make 4 comparisons: comparison 1: \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {m}_-}_{\texttt {high}}\) vs \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {m}_-}_\texttt {interv.}\): different understanding groups from the minority population, comparison 2: \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {M}^+}_{\texttt {high}}\) vs \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {M}^+}_{\texttt {interv}}\): different understanding groups from the majority population, comparison 3: \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {m}_-}_{\texttt {high}}\) vs \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {M}^+}_{\texttt {high}}\): different demographics groups from the higher understanding level population, comparison 4: \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {m}_-}_{\texttt {interv}}\) vs \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {M}^+}_{\texttt {interv}}\): different demographics groups from the interv. population. The first two comparisons were used as sanity checks to evaluate the potential discriminative potential (signal) between the high and interv. groups. The third and fourth ones to establish any differences there may be between two demographic groups of a same understanding level.

Table 1: Statistics about representation and proportion of higher understanding student in each demographic group.
group language\(_-\) LANGUAGE\(^+\) country\(_-\) COUNTRY\(^+\)
% in the dataset \(30\) \(70\) \(27\) \(73\)
% of higher understanding \(0.38\) \(0.46\) \(0.48\) \(0.26\)
% of higher understanding (total)


3.1 RQ1: Student Models Performances and Biases

We trained and evaluated the models as described in Section 2.3.3. We ran a 10-fold cross validation on this grid: GRU cells (\(4\), \(8\), \(16\)), Attention hidden size (\(4\), \(8\), \(16\)), epochs (\(30\), \(50\)). Based on ROC, GRU cell \(16\), Attention hidden size \(16\) and epochs \(50\) were the best parameters. Using bootrastrapping (Section 2.3.3), we observed that the model trained on the Beer’s Law dataset performed similarly across both \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {language}_-}\) and \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {LANGUAGE}^+}\) based on the bootstrapped AUC, FPRs, FNRs and F1 scores as all confidence intervals overlap (Figure 4 (TOP)). Conversely, we noticed a significant large (\(>0.1\)) gap in the F1 score across demographic groups in favour of \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {country}_-}\) with no overlap of the confidence intervals (Figure 4 (BOTTOM)). Notably, the difference in AUC across subpopulations was almost non-existent. This was explained by the FPR being fairer to the country\(_-\) students while the FNR was fairer to the majority group. For both datasets, a consequent demographic imbalance exists: (Table 1). We would have expected both student models to put these demographic minority groups at a disadvantage. Yet, Beer’s Law model seemed fair while TugLet’s model was biased towards the majority \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {COUNTRY}^+}\) group. In the next subsection, we investigated the behavioral differences across demographics and the output values they generated. This, to understand where and why one of them resulted in an unbiased model while the other one did not.

Table 2: Pattern mining results for Beer’s Law, where n° stands for the number of the comparison (Section 2.4.1), group A for the first comparison group, group B for the second comparison group, X-specific for the patterns specific to X, alg. for algorithm, DSM for Differential Sequence Mining, and FRI for Fischerian Random Invariance test.

group A

[demo], [level]

group B

[demo], [level]


in common





Input Sequences

language\(_-\) , high

language\(_-\) , interv.

\(21\) \(6\) \(0\) DSM

LANGUAGE\(^+\) , high

LANGUAGE\(^+\) , interv.

\(16\) \(8\) \(2\) DSM

language\(_-\) , high

LANGUAGE\(^+\) , high

\(23\) \(7\) \(1\) DSM

language\(_-\) , interv.

LANGUAGE\(^+\) , interv.

\(15\) \(5\) \(0\) DSM
GRU layer

language\(_-\) , high

language\(_-\) , interv.

\(16\) \(0\) \(0\) FRI

LANGUAGE\(^+\) , high

LANGUAGE\(^+\) , interv.

\(16\) \(0\) \(0\) FRI

language\(_-\) , high

LANGUAGE\(^+\) , high

\(16\) \(0\) \(0\) FRI

language\(_-\) , interv.

LANGUAGE\(^+\) , interv.

\(15\) \(1\) \(1\) FRI
Attention Layer

language\(_-\) , high

language\(_-\) , interv.

\(16\) \(0\) \(0\) FRI

LANGUAGE\(^+\) , high

LANGUAGE\(^+\) , interv.

\(16\) \(0\) \(0\) FRI

language\(_-\) , high

LANGUAGE\(^+\) , high

\(16\) \(0\) \(0\) FRI

language\(_-\) , interv.

LANGUAGE\(^+\) , interv.

\(15\) \(5\) \(5\) FRI
Prediction Layer


language\(_-\) , high

\(15\) \(4\) \(15\) DSM


LANGUAGE\(^+\) , high

\(16\) \(2\) \(8\) DSM


language\(_-\) , interv.

\(21\) \(1\) \(1\) DSM


LANGUAGE\(^+\) , interv.

\(16\) \(9\) \(2\) DSM

3.2 RQ2: behavioral differences

To understand whether different demographics exhibit different inquiry behavior, we applied Differential Sequence Mining (DSM) to the four comparisons described in Section 2.4.1. We refer to these comparisons by their enumerated number throughout the rest of this section, and refer to row \(s\) by \(RS\).

We started by examining the students from the Beer’s Law dataset (Table 2). Through comparisons 1 and 2 (R1 and R2), we found that there were \(6\) and \(10\) specific interaction patterns between the high and interv. understanding groups for language\(_-\) and LANGUAGE\(^+\) respectively. This let us extrapolate that a student model could perform well because we interpreted the presence of multiple unique interaction patterns in each group as indicating that there was likely sufficient signal to differentiate between target groups. All interaction patterns from the high understanding students involved actions in (sub)optimal conditions while the few interaction patterns from the interv. students were actions made in a non observable state (see Section 2.2.1). Through comparisons 3 and 4 (R3 and R4), we found that \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {language}_-}\) stood out with \(13\) specific interaction patterns of its own from the LANGUAGE\(^+\) population which only had \(1\) specific interaction pattern. This, showing that there were demographic behavioral differences in this dataset too. For example, the students \(u\in \mathcal {U}^{\texttt {language}_-}\) differentiated themselves by changing parameters or taking breaks in a coherent or optimal state. These differences suggested that the student models would work better for \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {language}_-}\) while the higher number of differences across understanding levels in \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {LANGUAGE}^+}\) indicated the opposite. These contradicting conclusions meant that both effects could potentially counterbalance each other. We carried out the same analysis on the TugLet dataset (Table 3). Once again, we saw through comparison 1 and 2 (R1 and R2) that there are a lot of differences (\(28\)) between the high and intervention understanding groups for both \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {country}_-}\) and \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {COUNTRY}^+}\). This indicated again that potentially helpful signal to differentiate the two target groups (high and intervention) is present in the dataset. No matter the demographic-understanding level, all interaction patterns specific to a group were from the challenge mode (see Section 2.2.2). Only the high understanding students managed to answer a tie question correctly and go on to the next “challenge" questions. Furthermore, we found demographic behavioral differences for students with a similar understanding, but different demographic attributes. This time, the odds were in favour of the minority \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {language}_-}\) subpopulation as we observed through comparisons 3 and 4 (row 3 and 4) that only the \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {country}_-}\) subpopulation stood out and differentiated itself from \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {COUNTRY}^+}\) subpopulation with \(13\) specific interaction patterns, all levels of understanding considered. We noted that for all datasets and all subgroups, all patterns specific to a group were present, to a lesser extent, in the complementary group too.

In short, both datasets presented demographic behavioral differences across students with a similar level of understanding. Through DSM comparisons, we found that both \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {language}_-}\) and \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {LANGUAGE}^+}\) populations had their own specific interaction patterns in the Beer’s Law dataset, but only the minority \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {country}_-}\) population stood out in the TugLet dataset.

3.3 RQ3: Layer Propagations

To understand the behavioral differences uncovered by DSM, we dived into the analysis of the GRU and Attention layers and conducted the same four comparisons as listed in Section 2.4.1, this time applying the Fisherian Random Invariance test (results shown on the GRU layer, Attention layer, and Prediction layer sections of tables 2 and 3).

We started with the Beer’s Law dataset (Table 2) and conducted comparisons 1, 2 and 3 as sanity checks on both the GRU (rows 5, 6, 7) and Attention layers (rows 9, 10, 11). At first, it seemed that the discriminating power of the algorithm must have laid on the linear layer as none of the potential output patterns were specific to any particular groups. However, when conducting comparison 4 (rows 8 and 12), we found that the differences across the interv. students from different demographic groups were exacerbated through the network. Delving further into our analysis, we found that the false negative instances (FN) were the most different to the high understanding students from the minority group (row 13 Table 2) with \(19\) traits specific to either one of the groups. The false positive instances (FP), on the other hand, were the most different to the interv. students from the majority group (row 16). This indicated that the algorithm may tend to focus on the majority group when identifying the high understanding group. This in line with the findings from research question 2 (Section 3.2) where we found that \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {LANGUAGE}^+}_{\texttt {high}}\) had more specific interaction patterns (\(7\)) than the \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {language}_-}_{\texttt {high}}\) (\(1\)) (rows 1, 2). It also indicated that the algorithm focused on the minority group to identify interv. students. As before, this followed the \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {language}_-}\) population standing out from the \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {LANGUAGE}^+}\) population as seen from the comparison on the input sequences through DSM (rows 3, 4).

The behavioral differences propagated more subtly through the TugLet student model. As the network processed the features, it improved at differentiating \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {country}_-}_{\texttt {interv.}}\) from \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {country}_-}_{\texttt {high}}\) (rows 5, 9), but regressed at differentiating \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {COUNTRY}^+}_{\texttt {interv.}}\) from \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {COUNTRY}^+}_{\texttt {high}}\) (Table 3, rows 6, 10): the number of output values significantly different across understanding levels went from \(5\) in the GRU layer down to \(0\) in the Attention layer. Furthermore, we found that the student model improved at differentiating the majority \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {COUNTRY}^+}\) from the minority \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {country}_-}\). Indeed, a majority (\(\geq 12\) out of \(16\)) of the output values for the GRU and Attention layers were significantly different across demographic groups of similar understanding levels. In other words, it improved at differentiating demographic groups throughout the network and regressed at differentiating understanding levels for the majority group \(U^{\texttt {COUNTRY}^+}\). We continued with the analysis of the output values of the last layer of our GRU-Att: the raw predictions. From comparisons 1 and 2 on the input sequences (Section 3.2), we noticed that the interv. groups have more specific traits than the high understanding groups. More specifically, the interv. group from \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {country}_-}\) is the one with the most specific traits, as can also be noticed through comparison 4. This may have led the algorithm to over-focus on \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {country}_-}_{\texttt {interv.}}\) to determine whether someone belonged to the interv. group. This is consistent with the application of DSM to compare the false positive instances (FP), comparison 7 and 8 in Table 3. Indeed, we find that the FP are the closest to the users \(u\in \mathcal {U}^{\texttt {country}_-}_{\texttt {interv.}}\). In essence, they were almost indistinguishable from one another as none of the output values activated significantly differently (row 15). Similarly, the instances from \(u\in \mathcal {U}^{\texttt {COUNTRY}^+}_{\texttt {interv.}}\) did not stand out from the FP even though the FP instances had their own specific traits (row 16). Similarly, when doing the comparison with the false negative instances (FN), we found that the students \(u\in \mathcal {U}^{\texttt {COUNTRY}^+}_{\texttt {high}}\) were the closest to the FN (row 14) which was consistent with the students \(u\in \mathcal {U}^{\texttt {country}_-}_{\texttt {high}}\) being the least distinctive group, leading the algorithm to focus on its counterpart from the majority population.

Table 3: Pattern mining results for TUGLET, where n° stands for the number of the comparison (Section 2.4.1), group A for the first comparison group, group B for the second comparison group, X-specific for the patterns specific to X, alg. for algorithm, DSM for Differential Sequence Mining, and FRI for Fischerian Random Invariance test.

group A

[demo], [level]

group B

[demo], [level]


in common





Input Sequences

country\(_-\) , high

country\(_-\) , interv.

\(24\) \(7\) \(21\) DSM

COUNTRY\(^+\) , high

COUNTRY\(^+\) , interv.

\(25\) \(11\) \(17\) DSM

country\(_-\) , high

COUNTRY\(^+\) , high

\(24\) \(3\) \(0\) DSM

country\(_-\) , interv.

COUNTRY\(^+\) , interv.

\(32\) \(10\) \(0\) DSM
GRU layer

country\(_-\) , high

country\(_-\) , interv.

\(9\) \(7\) \(7\) FRI

COUNTRY\(^+\) , high

COUNTRY\(^+\) , interv.

\(11\) \(5\) \(5\) FRI

country\(_-\) , high

COUNTRY\(^+\) , high

\(4\) \(12\) \(12\) FRI

country\(_-\) , interv.

COUNTRY\(^+\) , interv.

\(2\) \(14\) \(14\) FRI
Attention Layer

country\(_-\) , high

country\(_-\) , interv.

\(5\) \(11\) \(11\) FRI

COUNTRY\(^+\) , high

COUNTRY\(^+\) , interv.

\(16\) \(0\) \(0\) FRI

country\(_-\) , high

COUNTRY\(^+\) , high

\(1\) \(15\) \(15\) FRI

country\(_-\) , interv.

COUNTRY\(^+\) , interv.

\(1\) \(15\) \(15\) FRI
Prediction Layer
\(13\) FN

country\(_-\) , high

\(24\) \(0\) \(5\) DSM
\(14\) FN

COUNTRY\(^+\) , high

\(25\) \(0\) \(1\) DSM
\(15\) FP

country\(_-\) , interv.

\(35\) \(0\) \(0\) DSM
\(16\) FP

COUNTRY\(^+\) , interv.

\(32\) \(12\) \(0\) DSM

In summary, our analysis revealed that Beer’s Law’s layers yielded consistent outputs across different levels of understanding, with a slight increase in signal observed among the demographic group with a interv. level. Additionally, we find that the TugLet model increased the signal to differentiate demographic groups and reduced that used to differentiate understanding levels from the majority \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {COUNTRY}^+}\).

This figure represent the barplots for the scores on the beer's law dataset on top, and on tuglet's dataset at the bottom. For each score, we represent the mean and 95% confidence interval for the entire population, the minority population (language or country) and the majority population (other language and other country). We represent the AUC, FNR, FPR and F1 scores.
On top, for beer's law, the AUC is between 0.7 and 0.8, with almost equal scores slightly higher for the majority, and lower scores for the minority. For Beer's Law and the FNR, the scores are between 0.18 and 0.25, and it's better for the minority, less good for the majority. In terms of FPR it is around 0.35 and 0.4, and the scores are almost equal. In the F1 scores, it is between 0.6 and 0.7, and it works better for the minority (0.1 difference). Nothing looks significant however. For TugLet, all differences look significant. The scores are very similar on the AUC (around 0.7), but for the FNR, the minority is worse off than the majority. For the FPR it is the opposite. Looking at the F1 score, the minority does much better than the majority (>0.2).
Figure 4: Mean and \(95\%\) confidence interval of the AUC, FNR, FPR and F1 score across: (TOP) the entire population language\(_-\) and LANGUAGE\(^+\) on the Beer’s Law dataset, (BOTTOM) the entire population, country\(_-\) and COUNTRY\(^+\) on the TugLet dataset


Open Ended Learning Environments’ advantages are two-fold: they enable students to learn specific scientific concepts on top of training transversal skills such as inquiry learning. Using behavioral traces on such environments to predict early student success or struggle has become routine [21]. Unfortunately, some of these predictive models may be biased towards certain demographic groups. In this paper, our primary focus was to gain a better understanding of how demographics, behavioral interactions and representation proportions played a role in shallow student models’ fairness. We conducted our investigation using small datasets obtained from two different open-ended learning environments, namely, Beer’s Law and TugLet which were implemented in high- and middle-school settings respectively. Despite the considerable differences between these educational contexts, both datasets contained valuable information including students’ short-term behavioral sequences of interaction and demographic attributes. In both cases, the primary objective of the student models was to identify students at risk of academic challenges solely based on their behavioral interactions with the platform, thereby enabling timely intervention and support between their course activities and the final evaluation. Using both these environments, we answered the following research questions: 1) Are underrepresented groups at a disadvantage in student models?, 2) Can we verify that different demographics express different behaviors on OELEs?, 3) How do these differences affect fair predictions and propagate through student models?

For the first research question, we trained and assessed two GRU-Att models and observed whether the under represented demographic groups were treated unfairly by our algorithms. With Beer’s Law, we found that there were no treatment differences across language regions. On the contrary, for TugLet, we found performance discrepancies across the minority and majority countries, unexpectedly in favour of the minority group. To understand why that was, we applied Differential Sequence Mining (DSM) to the behavioral sequences of interactions and identified demographical differences in both datasets, answering research question 2. Specifically, we found that both \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {language}_-}\) and \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {LANGUAGE}^+}\) had distinctive interaction patterns that differentiated them from the other demographic group. However, in the case of TugLet, only the minority \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {country}_-}\) stood out with its own specific interaction patterns. If we assumed that the potential biases which could propagate through this paper’s pipeline are Data to Algorithm biases [12], it is coherent with the former Beer’s Law model not presenting any significant biases as both groups standing out meant they counter balanced each other; and coherent with the latter TugLet model favoring the minority group. Through our analyses, we found that this bias wouldn’t be a representational bias as described in [12], but a variation which we called signal bias: where one of the two groups has more distinctive traits than the other no matter if they represent the majority of the dataset. More formally, we defined signal as the presence or degree of discernible differences or patterns between the groups that we aim to classify. Consequently, a dataset with high signal contains substantial variations or distinct characteristics among the groups, making it easier to use these differences as input features for classification tasks. On the other hand, a dataset with low signal lacks clear or specific traits that differentiate the groups, posing challenges in accurately classifying them due to the absence of pronounced differences.

To verify the signal bias hypothesis, we investigated how the found demographical differences propagated through the network via Fischerian Random Invariance tests and answered research question 3. We found that the only differentiating signal in the Beer’s Law model was between the interv. understanding students of different demographic groups (\(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {LANGUAGE}^+}_{\texttt {interv.}}\) versus \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {language}_-}_{\texttt {interv.}}\)), implying that either the final predictive signal must be found in the classification layer, or that the differentiating signal is a composition-signal of different subgroups. That is, that there are no traits common to the majority of all \(u\in \mathcal {U}_{\texttt {interv.}}\) or \(u\in \mathcal {U}_{\texttt {high}}\), but rather that there exists multiple possible strategies in either \(u\in \mathcal {U}_{\texttt {high}}\) or \(u\in \mathcal {U}_{\texttt {interv.}}\), none of them being used by a majority of the students, all of them being used by the algorithm to make its final prediction. This explains the null number of output patterns separating \(u\in \mathcal {U}_{\texttt {interv.}}\) from \(u\in \mathcal {U}_{\texttt {high}}\), and the better-than-random performances of the student model. On the other hand, we found that the TugLet model seemed to be better at separating students from different demographic groups rather than from different understanding levels: the target at hand. This is in line with our hypothesis about signal biases: original behavioral differences across demographics are easier to learn than these of different understanding levels, as the signal is stronger across demographic attributes than understanding levels. Consequently, it focuses on these differences rather than on what it was trained for. This was strengthened by our analysis of the misclassified instances that showed that the algorithm focused on the minority \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {country}_-}\) group when classifying interv. understanding students, the majority target group of our dataset. Again, using the minority group to classify instances which majoritarily belong to the other demographic group led to the biased treatment of that other group. In short, we found that in neither of our datasets was the demographical minority group put at a disadvantage. Surprisingly, the TugLet model even favoured the underrepresented country\(_-\) population.

Through our three research questions, we found that a signal bias might be the origin of these unfairness. Indeed, the groups which stood out the most from the other ones and had more differentiating interaction patterns between their target groups (here understanding levels) appear to be at an advantage over the others, no matter whether they are the majority or minority group. Thus, we uncovered signal biases which occur when the overrepresentations of distinctive traits seems to lead models to focus on these differences. They thus overfit on the signal which prevents them from generalizing well to the rest of the data. As representational biases might be mitigated through demographical resampling methods [1211], we hypothesize that its variation signal bias may be mitigated through behavioral resampling, according to how close/far away an instance is from the students carrying the most signal. Through this study, we thus draw attention on the importance of focusing on behavioral differences in addition to the demographic differences. Focusing on the \(\mathcal {U}^{\texttt {country}_-}\) students as a whole would not have changed the proportion of signal for that particular population as they already make up \(73\%\) of the data. A cleaner approach would be to cluster separately the higher and interv. students within a same demographic group in order to find idiosyncratic traits across understanding levels rather than across demographic ones. We would then optimize the way the clusters are rebalanced based on the signal measured across understanding levels before the model is trained. Without such a deep analysis, the risks of adding noise and therefore letting the algorithm over focus even more on the population with the largest signal will increase.

Nonetheless, we temper our conclusions by the limited realm of our investigation. A deeper investigation through more OELEs, different tasks, different populations, multi-target classifiers, and higher imbalance ratios would be required to generalize these findings. Furthermore, small noise and differences have a much greater impact on the classification performances which means that these conclusions could but may not be generalized to very large datasets. For these reasons, whether signal biases can be present in much larger datasets is still an open question. Finally, though this study has its limitation, we emphasize that considering behavioral biases is as important as considering demographic biases to hopefully offer equal education opportunities to the students and teachers we work to help.


This project was substantially financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation SERI. Many thanks to Tanya Nazaretski, Jibril Frej, Vinitra Swamy, Seyed Parsa Neshaei and Kate Shved for their valuable help.



A.1 Beer’s Law

In this simulation, the students can turn on the laser, change the wavelength of the laser, change the nature of the solution in the task and its concentration, change the width of the flask, change the dependent variable. Concentration, width and wavelength sliders can be directly changed by a clik on the desired value, or can be dragged to observe the continuous change. The independent variables influencing the absorbance are the width, concentration, and the wavelength of a laser. Their relationship with the dependent variable are linear, linear and colour-related respectively. The task designed to guide students’ inquiry was to rank 4 different configurations in terms of absorbance (Figure 2, bottom). They cannot just input the numbers into the simulation, as they are outside the allowed range on the environment. Thus, to successfully complete this task, students needed to plug in the numbers of the 4 configurations into the formula they extracted during their exploration.

A.2 Tuglet

Tuglet is a choice-based assessment in the form of a game designed to assess students’ inquiry strategies, in which students need to uncover the strengths of 3 characters through tug-of-war tests. The core concept of the game revolves around a tug-of-war scenario featuring two teams, each composed of figures with varying strengths categorized as large: \(3\), medium: \(2\), and small: \(1\) (Figure 3). Learners are given the choice to play in two distinct modes: the “explore" mode enables them to simulate different team compositions of up to \(4\) figures on each side of the cart and observe the resulting outcomes of tug-of-war matchups. The “challenge" mode, on the other hand, presents them with the task of predicting the outcome of specific tug-of-war scenarios followed by feedback indicating the correctness of the answer. In the event of an incorrect prediction, players are redirected to the “explore" mode for further exploration. Importantly, players retain the freedom to switch between modes at their discretion. The game ends when a player successfully predicts the outcomes of eight consecutive tug-of-war configurations, each progressively more challenging.

A.3 Feature processing - Beer’s Law

Features are similarly processed as in [6]. In particular, each click is characterized by: 1) the duration the student pressed on their mouse button , 2) the nature of the action (width, concentration, wavelength of the laser, type of solution, “other", “break") and 3) the configuration status of the system based on its usefulness to sucessfully complete the ranking task (optimal, suboptimal, coherent, or not observable). Breaks (time intervals between the clicks) are not explicitly recorded by the PhET environment. Therefore, still following the methodology described in [6], we inserted the 40% longest breaks in the interaction sequences as the shortest ones might be the logistic consequences of setting up an experiment and moving the mouse, rather than reflecting  [6]. In short, the features used per students were thus sequential where each \(i_n\in S_u\) summarized a click into one vector.


Algorithm 1: Fischerian Random Variance test over G1 and
G2, for n bootstrap runs
Require: G1 ∩G2 = ∅
 μ1 ← mean(G1)
 μ2 ← mean(G2)
 δ(μ)= |μ1− μ2|
 n1 ← size(G1)
 c ← 0 1   2
 for run ← 1 to n do
    Ga ← {}   randomly assign n1 values from G to Ga
    for a← 1 to n1 do
       ra ← random(size(g)− r1 +1)
    eGnd f=orG∖ G
    μab← meana(Ga)
    μb ← mean(Gb)
    if |μa − μb|≥ c then
       c← c+ 1
    end if
 end focr
 p ← n return p


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2As this study was conducted in a multi-lingual country, the language area is officially considered as a demographic attribute.