Navigating the Data-Rich Landscape of Online Learning: Insights and Predictions from ASSISTments
Aswani Yaramala *, Soheila Farokhi *, and Hamid Karimi
Data Science and Applications lab , Department of Computer Science, Utah State University,,


This paper presents an in-depth analysis of student behavior and score prediction in the ASSISTments online learning platform. We address four research questions related to the impact of tutoring materials, skill mastery, feature extraction, and graph representation learning. To investigate the impact of tutoring materials, we analyze the influence of students requesting hints and explanations on their performance in end-of-unit assignments. Our findings provide insights into the role of guidance in learning and inform the development of superior tutoring strategies. Additionally, we explore the correlation between mastery/non-mastery of specific skills during in-unit problems and performance in corresponding end-of-unit assignments, shedding light on the efficacy of standard-aligned curricula. In terms of feature extraction, we extract relevant features from extensive student activity data and determine their importance in predicting assignment grades. Furthermore, we employ graph representation learning techniques to model the complex relationships between different entities in the dataset. This yields a more nuanced modeling of factors influencing student performance and facilitates the development of more accurate predictive models. Overall, our study contributes to the practical application of data mining techniques in online learning contexts, with implications for personalized learning, interventions, and support mechanisms. The code is publicly available in


Online Learning, Skill Mastery, Student Performance, Score Prediction, Machine Learning, Graph Representation Learning, Tutoring Materials, Common Core State Standards (CCSS)


Emerging technologies and evolving societal needs have propelled the digital transformation in education [12345678]. A significant catalyst in this digital revolution is the rise of online learning platforms [910]. Recent global events, such as the shift to remote learning, have further accelerated this digital transformation [1112]. These platforms aim to make quality education accessible to anyone, regardless of their location, thus democratizing education [13]. They also reach underserved communities and individuals with limited mobility, ensuring equal learning opportunities for all [14]. Online learning platforms generate abundant data, including detailed clickstream and assessment data. This data provides a unique opportunity to understand student behavior and enhance learning outcomes using data mining and machine learning techniques [15]. By predicting student performance and tailoring learning experiences, these platforms can create a student-centric educational environment. This paper focuses on two key areas within this data-rich landscape: analyzing student behavior and predicting exam grades. Understanding student behavior helps uncover patterns in engagement, motivation, and learning strategies [1617]. Predicting exam grades based on behavior data is crucial for identifying at-risk students and adjusting teaching strategies [1617]. In this study, we present our analysis, machine learning models, and results from the EDM CUP 2023 competition. The competition involved predicting students’ scores on end-of-unit assignments using clickstream data and additional curriculum information. A detailed explanation of the dataset can be found on the website [18] (see Appendix A.1). We aim to answer the following research questions:

RQ1: How does requesting tutoring materials impact students’ performance in end-of-unit assignments, and what are its implications for guidance and learning strategies? RQ2: What patterns exist in the correlation between mastery of specific skills during in-unit problems and performance in corresponding end-of-unit assignments, and how does this relate to educational standards? RQ3: How can we extract relevant features from extensive student activity data within the ASSISTments platform for predicting assignment grades, and what is the importance of these features? RQ4: How can graph representation learning be used to model complex relationships in the dataset, and can features extracted from these relationships improve assignment grade prediction?

Our contributions in this paper can be summarized as follows:


To address RQ1 and RQ2, we embark on a comprehensive analysis of student behaviors and their impact on academic outcomes. In Section 2.1, we explore the relationship between tutoring requests and the end-of-unit student performance, considering various tutoring alternatives. Following this, in Section 2.2, we employ association rule mining to extract meaningful patterns (rules). These rules serve to illuminate the relationship between two key concepts: a) the mastery or non-mastery of CCSS-related skills during in-unit assignments and b) the mastery or non-mastery of CCSS-related skills during end-of-unit problems.

2.1 Tutoring Request and Student Performance

Table 1: The experimental results of investigating the impact of tutoring requests on students’ performance

(a) % Hint Requested (HR)

HR (\(\geq 0.7\))
HR (\(<0.3\))
Score SS Score SS
1 0.65 23 0.86 8438 -0.21 -2.89 \(3.93e-3\)
2 0.41 49 0.71 97905 -0.30 -4.63 \(3.65e-6\)
3 0.21 189 0.60 44480 -0.39 -11.00 \(0.00e+0\)
4 0.42 823 0.53 44879 -0.11 -6.52 \(6.93e-11\)
5 0.40 261 0.49 60968 -0.09 -2.99 \(2.79e-3\)
6 0.34 3936 0.59 57721 -0.25 -30.53 \(0.00e+0\)
7 0.38 5973 0.56 20363 -0.18 -25.03 \(0.00e+0\)
8 0.45 1604 0.54 15177 -0.09 -7.10 \(1.27e-12\)
HSA 0.48 31 0.71 869 -0.23 -2.78 \(5.52e-3\)
HSG 1.00 15 0.79 182 0.21 2.01 \(4.56e-2\)
HSF 0.00 2 0.63 222 -0.63 -1.84 \(6.72e-2\)
HSN 0.33 15 0.61 104 -0.28 -2.09 \(3.88e-2\)
HSS 0.25 4 0.60 244 -0.35 -1.41 \(1.61e-1\)
All grades
0.38 13122 0.61 388096 -0.22 -51.93 \(0.00\)
(b) % Answer Requested (AR)
AR (\(\geq 0.7\))
AR (\(<0.3\))
Score SS Score SS
1 0.76 1018 0.78 14731 -0.01 -0.84 \(3.99e-1\)
2 0.60 34310 0.77 39427 -0.17 -50.74 \(0.00e+0\)
3 0.45 15898 0.67 28104 -0.22 -45.56 \(0.00e+0\)
4 0.40 18127 0.67 23163 -0.27 -56.94 \(0.00e+0\)
5 0.32 19129 0.61 46255 -0.29 -69.48 \(0.00e+0\)
6 0.48 34011 0.67 20481 -0.19 -43.93 \(0.00e+0\)
7 0.45 19619 0.66 7342 -0.21 -31.66 \(5.16e-216\)
8 0.41 9015 0.61 7858 -0.20 -26.69 \(9.19e-154\)
HSA 0.36 1190 0.69 2973 -0.33 -20.55 \(1.93e-89\)
HSF 0.37 1628 0.69 5613 -0.32 -23.96 \(4.04e-122\)
HSG 0.34 1402 0.61 5125 -0.27 -18.82 \(5.17e-77\)
HSN 0.40 139 0.64 624 -0.24 -5.39 \(9.56e-8\)
HSS 0.35 526 0.49 2147 -0.14 -5.71 \(1.25e-8\)
All grades
0.47 168651 0.69 230979 -0.22 -145.87 \(0.00\)
(c) % Explanation Requested (ER)
ER (\(\geq 0.7\))
ER (\(<0.3\))
Score SS Score SS
5 0.17 24 0.41 323 -0.24 -2.35 \(1.91e-2\)
6 0.27 988 0.64 20069 -0.37 -23.92 \(8.92e-125\)
7 0.33 943 0.58 16286 -0.25 -15.36 \(6.47e-53\)
8 0.32 422 0.55 5840 -0.23 -9.25 \(2.93e-20\)
All grades
0.30 2387 0.61 43168 -0.31 -29.84 \(9.47e-194\)
(d) % LiveTutor Requested (LTR)
LTR (\(\geq 0.7\))
LTR (\(<0.3\))
Score SS Score SS
6 0.00 1 0.54 52018 -0.54 - -
7 0.86 36 0.53 22684 0.33 4.01 \(6.13e-5\)
8 0.80 5 0.54 9459 0.26 1.16 0.25
HSF 0.89 99 0.65 248 0.24 4.67 \(4.36e-6\)
All grades
0.87 141 0.54 206946 0.33 7.83 \(5.03e-15\)

(e) % Skill Video Requested (SVR)

SVR (\(\geq 0.7\))
SVR (\(<0.3\))
Score SS Score SS
2 0.83 18 0.77 7487 0.07 0.68 0.50
4 0.64 33 0.58 25560 0.05 0.63 0.53
5 0.43 77 0.50 75651 -0.07 -1.31 0.19
6 0.63 38 0.54 51835 0.09 1.11 0.27
7 0.12 26 0.53 22599 -0.41 -4.22 \(2.5e-5\)
8 0.50 20 0.54 9237 -0.04 -0.35 0.73
HSF 0.75 8 0.64 210 0.11 0.62 0.54
All grades
0.52 241 0.54 205939 -0.03 -0.79 0.43
(f) % Total Tutoring Requested (TTR)
TTR (\(\geq 0.7\))
TTR (\(<0.3\))
Score SS Score SS
1 0.39 176 0.80 18200 -0.40 -13.18 \(1.67e-39\)
2 0.32 2088 0.74 90748 -0.42 -43.45 \(0.00\)
3 0.25 3271 0.65 44481 -0.40 -46.45 \(0.00\)
4 0.27 4228 0.62 37544 -0.35 -44.22 \(0.00\)
5 0.24 8036 0.59 58846 -0.35 -59.95 \(0.00\)
6 0.33 8646 0.64 48147 -0.31 -56.11 \(0.00\)
7 0.32 6190 0.63 19655 -0.31 -44.64 \(0.00\)
8 0.34 3557 0.60 13268 -0.25 -27.57 \(1.25e-163\)
HSA 0.31 1068 0.69 3148 -0.38 -22.99 \(2.84e-110\)
HSF 0.37 1591 0.68 5629 -0.32 -23.92 \(9.15e-122\)
HSG 0.34 1387 0.62 5283 -0.28 -19.52 \(1.39e-82\)
HSN 0.27 85 0.63 660 -0.36 -6.58 \(8.89e-11\)
HSS 0.30 395 0.50 2301 -0.20 -7.36 \(2.49e-13\)
All grades
0.31 44089 0.67 385830 -0.36 -152.69 \(0.00\)

When students engage in in-unit assignments, they have the option to request tutoring if it is available for the specific problem they are working on. The available core tutoring options include hints, explanations, and answers. Additionally, there are two auxiliary tutoring options including skill-related videos, and live tutor. We aim to assess the effectiveness of these tutoring options in improving student performance in end-of-unit problems. To this end, we calculated the percentage of each tutoring option requested for each group of end-of-unit assignment and corresponding problem, which are associated with multiple in-unit problems. The percentage of tutoring requested is determined by dividing the number of in-unit problems for which students requested a particular tutoring option by the total number of in-unit problems where that specific tutoring option was available. This is expressed by the following formula: \begin {equation} \small \begin {split} \text {\% of tutoring option requested=} \\ \frac {\text {\# of in-unit problems with tutoring option requested}}{\text {Total \# of in-unit problems with that tutoring option available}} \times 100 \label {eq:tutoring} \end {split} \end {equation}

Table 2: The experimental results of investigating the impact of percentages of correct and wrong responses during in-unit assignments on the end-of-unit problems

(a) % Correct Response (CR)

CR (\(\geq 0.7\))
CR (\(<0.3\))
Score SS Score SS
1 0.79 10985 0.64 588 0.15 8.83 \(1.20e-18\)
2 0.75 76748 0.50 3065 0.25 31.28 \(1.78e-213\)
3 0.61 34542 0.48 1345 0.12 9.13 \(7.30e-20\)
4 0.54 40967 0.35 2118 0.19 17.19 \(5.38e-66\)
5 0.51 57950 0.42 6165 0.09 12.78 \(2.47e-37\)
6 0.51 17264 0.48 3873 0.04 4.14 \(3.56e-5\)
7 0.56 17980 0.30 1516 0.26 19.55 \(2.80e-84\)
8 0.50 6462 0.40 2399 0.09 7.89 \(3.48e-15\)
HSA 0.61 953 0.43 666 0.18 7.26 \(6.06e-13\)
HSF 0.58 731 0.52 821 0.06 2.57 \(1.03e-2\)
HSG 0.52 2570 0.50 957 0.03 1.40 0.16
HSN 0.71 311 0.43 42 0.28 3.68 \(2.72e-4\)
HSS 0.55 305 0.43 418 0.13 3.43 \(6.33e-4\)
All grades
0.62 303094 0.45 25268 0.17 54.11 \(0.00\)
(b) % Wrong Response (WR)
WR (\(\geq 0.7\))
WR (\(<0.3\))
Score SS Score SS
1 0.57 382 0.81 17455 -0.24 -11.47 \(2.29e-30\)
2 0.50 5026 0.75 77445 -0.25 -39.49 \(0.00\)
3 0.39 5153 0.64 35325 -0.25 -35.47 \(2.30e-271\)
4 0.39 7789 0.62 26086 -0.23 -36.92 \(1.55e-292\)
5 0.38 13036 0.57 44434 -0.19 -38.84 \(0.00\)
6 0.41 9332 0.63 43403 -0.23 -40.95 \(0.00\)
7 0.38 5918 0.60 18708 -0.22 -29.70 \(1.70e-190\)
8 0.41 3192 0.55 13591 -0.14 -14.31 \(3.55e-46\)
HSA 0.40 452 0.61 3843 -0.21 -8.63 \(8.41e-18\)
HSF 0.47 391 0.63 7232 -0.17 -6.71 \(2.14e-11\)
HSG 0.35 1560 0.61 4866 -0.26 -18.11 \(1.53e-71\)
HSN 0.50 86 0.63 614 -0.13 -2.24 0.03
HSS 0.29 278 0.49 3168 -0.20 -6.31 \(3.25e-10\)
All grades 0.42 59280 0.67 322948 -0.24 -114.70 \(0.00\)

Table 1 presents the results of our examination of the association between students’ end-of-unit performance and their requests for the five distinct tutoring options available, as demonstrated in parts (a) through (e). Part (f) of the table aggregates the results for all tutoring options. Additionally, we conducted a grade-specific analysis by segmenting the data based on the first part of the problem skill code, which corresponds to the grade as per the CCSS guidelines. This approach facilitated the computation of the proportion of tutoring requests for each grade and tutoring option independently. However, not all tutoring options were accessible for every grade or had sufficient data to enable experimentation, leading to variations across tables. The second and third columns show the average score and sample size (SS) of end-of-unit problems where students requested tutoring more than 70% of the time and less than 30% of the time, respectively. These thresholds were selected to create a clear distinction, facilitating a robust assessment of tutoring’s impact. While a binary categorization of 100% or 0% may seem appealing, the infrequency of such extreme cases makes it impractical for addressing RQ1. The fourth column, labeled SD, showcases the score difference between students with high tutoring requests (\(\geq 0.7\)) and those with low requests (\(<0.3\)). For example, for grade 1 with hint requested, SD = HR (\(\geq 0.7\)) Score - HR (\( < 0.3\)) Score = -0.21. This difference helps to evaluate whether requesting a tutoring option frequently within the unit yields a better grade on the end-of-unit assignments (SD \(\geq 0\)) or not (SD \(< 0\)). The fifth column showcases the t-statistic, derived via a Student’s t-test. As a measure used in hypothesis testing, the t-statistic determines the likelihood of the observed difference between sample means having occurred by chance, thereby assisting in establishing statistical significance [19]. The final columns exhibit the p-value. The outcomes of these analyses are illustrated in Table 1. We make the following observations based on these results.

Additionally, we explored the percentage of correct and wrong responses in the action logs of in-unit assignments to assess their impact on student’s scores in end-of-unit problems. Table 2 shows the results. The data from Table 2 offers several key observations about the impact of students’ correct and wrong response rates on in-unit assignments on their final grades.

The analysis suggests that students who infrequently request tutoring often perform better, indicating self-reliance and problem-solving capability. In contrast, direct interactions via live tutor requests (LTR) appear beneficial, enhancing performance. However, these correlations should not be interpreted as causation due to their context-specific nature. Conversely, frequent requests for hints, explanations, or frequent incorrect responses may indicate struggles with the material, suggesting a need for more teacher support or personalized interventions to improve understanding and performance [202122]. Identifying and addressing these areas is essential for educators to effectively support student success.

2.2 CCSS Skill Mastery and Student Performance

Understanding the relationship between mastery of skills in in-unit assignments and end-of-unit outcomes is vital for educators to identify which skills affect students’ success or failure in corresponding end-of-unit tasks [232425]. Mastery of prerequisite skills in in-unit problems often leads to success in end-of-unit assignments, while failure to master these can result in poor outcomes. As the dataset lacks scores for in-unit problems, we assigned scores based on criteria from end-of-unit problems as described in Section A.1. A correct first attempt scores 1 (success); otherwise, actions like hints request score 0 (failure).

Table 3: Extracted association rules for mastery (score 1) for the entire dataset



Rule Description

8.EE \(\rightarrow \) HSA.REI

0.81 1.00

Expressions and Equations \(\rightarrow \) Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

HSN.RN \(\rightarrow \) HSA.REI

0.93 0.99

The Real Number System \(\rightarrow \) Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

HSN.RN, HSN.CN \(\rightarrow \) HSA.REI

0.86 0.99

The Real Number System, The Complex Number System \(\rightarrow \) Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

HSN.CN \(\rightarrow \) HSA.REI

0.92 0.99

The Complex Number System \(\rightarrow \) Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

HSA.REI \(\rightarrow \) HSN.RN

0.93 0.94

Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities \(\rightarrow \) The Real Number System

HSN.RN \(\rightarrow \) HSN.CN

0.87 0.93

The Real Number System \(\rightarrow \) The Complex Number System

Table 4: Extracted association rules for non-mastery (score 0) for the entire dataset



Rule Description

HSA.REI \(\rightarrow \) HSN.CN

0.79 0.93

Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities \(\rightarrow \) The Complex Number System

HSN.RN, HSA.REI \(\rightarrow \) HSN.CN

0.71 0.93

The Real Number System, Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities \(\rightarrow \) The Complex Number System

HSN.RN \(\rightarrow \) HSN.CN

0.81 0.92

The Real Number System \(\rightarrow \) The Complex Number System

HSA.REI \(\rightarrow \) HSN.RN

0.77 0.91

Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities \(\rightarrow \) The Real Number System

HSN.CN, HSA.REI \(\rightarrow \) HSN.RN

0.71 0.90

The Complex Number System, Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities \(\rightarrow \) The Real Number System

HSF.BF \(\rightarrow \) HSF.IF

0.71 0.89

Building Functions \(\rightarrow \) Interpreting Functions

Once we determined the scores for in-unit problems, we needed to extract and fix skill codes since, as mentioned, we are interested in mastery/non-mastery for skills, not specific problems. The CCSS skill codes follow a hierarchical structure, where the first level corresponds to the grade, and the second level represents the topic or subject. The later levels of a CCSS skill code provide more specific descriptions, such as specific problem details. However, these detailed levels may not be as useful since they can potentially generate skill-related patterns that are overly specific. Therefore, for the purpose of generating meaningful patterns, we focused on the first two levels of the skill code hierarchy, which capture the broader grade and topic information, respectively.

So far, we have scores (success or failure) for all in-unit and end-of-unit problems as well as their corresponding skill codes. Now, we need to specify how we can extract meaningful “patterns". One effective approach for achieving this is by utilizing association rule learning/mining, which is a data mining technique employed to discover interesting relationships or patterns within extensive datasets [2627] such as educational data [28]. They identify frequently occurring itemsets and generate rules that describe associations between different items based on their co-occurrence. By leveraging these rules, educators can gain valuable insights into patterns and dependencies among skills. See appendix  A.2 for formal definition of the association rule mining process on the CCSS skill codes.

In association rule learning, “strong" rules are captured by two rule-related concepts: support and confidence. Support (S) is the proportion of transactions in the dataset that contain a particular itemset. Confidence (C) is a measure of the reliability of the inference made by a rule. To extract rules, we used mlxtend python library [29], which uses the famous Apriori algorithm [3031] for efficient rule mining. To generate frequent item sets, we identified items that occur frequently by setting a minimum support threshold of 0.8 for mastery (score 1) and 0.7 for non-mastery (score 0). Subsequently, we derived association rules using the confidence metric, with a minimum threshold of 0.9 for mastery (score 1) and 0.8 for non-mastery (score 0). Tables 3 and 4 demonstrate the results of association rule learning for skill mastery and non-mastery, respectively. The first column is the rule, the second column is the support, the third column is the confidence, and the last column is the rule where the codes have been replaced with their English description. We obtained the descriptions for skill codes up to level 2 from CCSS [32] since they were not included in the dataset. Tables 3 and 4 display the most reliable rules among all the transactions with high support and confidence. Based on the results in Tables 3 and 4, we make the following observations:


In this section, we primarily address RQ3 and RQ4 through the presentation and discussion of our experimental results. The process of feature engineering, which is crucial to our approach, is detailed in Section 3.1. In Section 3.2, we delve into a unique type of feature, the graph representation learning. Following this, we outline the machine learning predictive models used in our study in Section 3.3. Finally, we detail the experimental results of predicting end-of-unit student grades in Section 3.4, where we also discuss the significance and implications of our findings.

3.1 Feature Extraction

The feature extraction process involved combining the training and evaluation data and extracting relevant information mainly from four tables: Action logs, Assignment details, Problem details, and Sequence details– See Appendix A.1. Next, we explain each group of features.

Table 5: Performance of developed ML models across three settings and for different evaulation metrics. In each column and for each setting, the bold value indicates the best model according to that metric. The underlined value indicates the best across all settings.
Setting Model Accuracy Precision Recall F1 score AUC
Hand-crafted features (Section 3.1)
XGBoost 0.72238 0.74441 0.80658 0.77425 0.78295
Random Forest 0.71402 0.73045 0.81694 0.77128 0.77005
Extra Trees 0.69865 0.70906 0.83001 0.76479 0.74925
LightGBM 0.72370 0.74361 0.81177 0.77620 0.78473
Gradient Boosting 0.72257 0.74296 0.81030 0.77517 0.78245
Mean Ensemble 0.72437 0.74043 0.82075 0.77853 0.78383
Student+Problem embedding (Section 3.2)
XGBoost 0.68305 0.72894 0.73711 0.73300 0.73251
Random Forest 0.69458 0.72626 0.77444 0.74958 0.74286
Extra Trees 0.69094 0.72168 0.77543 0.74759 0.74115
LightGBM 0.68579 0.72203 0.76039 0.74071 0.73338
Gradient Boosting 0.69068 0.72525 0.76621 0.74517 0.73982
Mean Ensemble 0.69165 0.72763 0.76329 0.74504 0.74174
Hand-crafted (Section 3.1) + Problem embedding (Section 3.2)
XGBoost 0.70857 0.74560 0.76843 0.75685 0.76520
Random Forest 0.71218 0.73662 0.79750 0.76585 0.77084
Extra Trees 0.71737 0.74689 0.78831 0.76704 0.77279
LightGBM 0.71967 0.74990 0.78780 0.76838 0.78145
Gradient Boosting 0.71507 0.74887 0.77825 0.76328 0.77443
Mean Ensemble 0.72784 0.74979 0.80880 0.77818 0.78977

3.2 Graph Representation Learning

Graph Representation and Construction. In our study on the ASSISTments learning platform, we combined graph structure and graph construction methods to model and understand student behavior. We utilized graph representation learning, which focuses on capturing relationships within a graph to derive informative representations of nodes and edges [33]. Our hypothesis was that the structural features captured in relationships among various entities could predict outcomes on end-of-unit tests. We identified five key entities as nodes: ‘student’, ‘teacher’, ‘class’, ‘problem’, and ‘sequence’. The connections between these entities were represented by four edge types: ‘teacher-class’, ‘class-student’, ‘student-problem’, and ‘problem-sequence’. By employing these specific connections, we managed to maintain essential structural information while avoiding an overly dense graph structure. To construct the graph, we began by adding nodes for students involved in end-of-unit assignments and traced their connected in-unit assignments using the assignment relationships table. Nodes for their classes and teachers were added, linking students to their respective classes and the classes to their teachers. We also added nodes for both in-unit and end-of-unit problems, establishing connections between these problems and the students who tackled them, as well as linking problems to their corresponding sequences based on the action log records. This comprehensive construction allowed us to analyze the interconnected elements within the dataset effectively and explore the predictive power of the graph structure on student performance in end-of-unit assessments. Figure 2 in Appendix A.3 demonstrates the structure of the constructed graph. Also, Table 7 in Appendix A.3 includes the basic properties of the constructed graph.

Graph Representation Learning. We applied the node2vec algorithm, a random-walk-based representation learning technique, to generate low-dimensional vector embeddings for nodes in a graph, capturing their structural and community properties [34]. This method uses random walks to explore local neighborhood information, where nodes close in the graph share similar roles and functions. Node embeddings were learned using a modified Skip-gram model from natural language processing [35]. We utilized these embeddings for the end-of-unit problem to enhance representation and conducted experiments to assess their effectiveness in grade prediction, bypassing the need for hand-crafted features as discussed in Section 3.1.

3.3 Predictive Models

We employ a variety of predictive machine learning models, such as Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, XGBoost, LightGBM, ExtraTrees, and a Mean Ensemble, to forecast end-of-unit grades within the ASSISTments platform. These models are chosen for their robustness, flexibility, and performance, particularly in handling high-dimensional data and providing accurate predictions. The paper details the unique features of each model and explains how the Mean Ensemble model, which averages the predictions of individual models, enhances overall predictive performance. This approach aims to provide more accurate and robust grade predictions by combining the strengths of different models. Appendix A.4 includes details of implementation settings.

3.4 Experimental Results

Table 5 summarizes the results of our extensive experiments. We define three experimental settings to illustrate the effectiveness of graph embedding techniques in the end-of-unit grade prediction task. Setting (I): This setting only uses hand-crafted features, detailed in Section 3.1, as input to the machine learning models. These features are derived from the raw data without the application of graph embedding techniques. The aim here is to evaluate the performance of models based on explicit feature engineering. Setting (II): This setting uses a combination of the end-of-unit problem embeddings and student embeddings as inputs to the models. Embedding techniques are used here to represent the problems and students in a high-dimensional space. The purpose of this setting is to investigate the effectiveness of embedding methods in representing students and problems. Setting (III): In this setting, the models are trained on data that combines both hand-crafted features and problem embeddings. This setting is designed to study whether the combination of hand-crafted features and embeddings can improve the performance of the models in predicting students’ scores. Based on the results presented in Table 5, we make the following observations.

We analyzed the feature importance of all hand-crafted features, identifying the end-of-unit problem text, student actions within the unit, and problem skill descriptions as the top three predictors of student grades– See Appendix A.5).



In this part, we provide supplementary figures, tables, and detailed explanations of dataset and implementation settings used in experiments.

A.1 Dataset

We provide an overview of the dataset from the EDM Cup 2023 Kaggle Competition [18], detailing the tables and their salient attributes. ASSISTments is a digital platform designed for daily math practice and assessment, aiding classroom instruction by offering digital assignments and feedback. Each student is given a set of math problems(sequence) to solve, referred to as an assignment within the dataset. The dataset contains millions of student interactions within the platform, detailing their completion of math assignments. It also encompasses information about the curriculum, assignments, problems, and any tutoring provided to the students. Table 6 shows the basic statistics for all entities in the dataset.

Figure 1: The relationship between different entities in the dataset

In-unit assignments resemble practice problems conducted throughout the unit, while end-of-unit assignments resemble exams administered at the end of each unit. Scores are exclusively provided for end-of-unit assignments, whereas action logs are solely available for in-unit assignments. More details about the dataset can be found in website [18]. Figure 1 shows the connection between different entities in dataset.

Table 6: Basic statistics of the dataset
Entity Count
# Students 651253
# Teachers 23523
# Classes 47401
# Sequences 10228
# Problems 132738
# Assignments 9319676
# Hints 8381
# Explanations 4132
# Problems per sequence \(\mu \)=13
# Unfinished assignments 1878016

Abbreviations: In the rest of manuscript, HSS stands for High School Statistics and Probability, HSF for High School Functions, HSG for High School Geometry, HSN for High School Number and Quantity, and HSA for High School Algebra.

A.2 Association Rule Mining Problem Statement

We formally define the association rule mining process on the CCSS skill codes as follows: Let \(\mathcal {C}= \{C_1, C_2 \cdots C_k\}\) denote a set of CCSS skill code levels e.g., the Complex Number System. We’ve categorized our end-of-unit problems into two groups: \(P^s\) for successful outcomes (scored 1) and \(P^f\) for unsuccessful outcomes (scored 0). Each successful end-of-unit problem \(p^s_i\) in \(P^s\) corresponds to a “transaction", labeled as \(T_i\). These transactions contain the skill code of the end-of-unit problem (\(I_{m_i}\)) and the skill codes of all related in-unit problems (\(I_1\) to \(I_{m_i-1}\)). Similarly, each failed end-of-unit problem \(p^f_i\) in \(P^f\) is associated with its own transaction. Our goal is to uncover patterns related to skill mastery and non-mastery. For skill mastery, we’re interested in strong rules of the form \(X \rightarrow y\), where \(X\) is a subset of skills (from \(C\)) and \(y\) represents the skill code of the end-of-unit problem. We’re also seeking similar rules for non-mastery.

A.3 Constructed Graph

Figure 2 shows the structure of the final constructed graph. Table 7 shows the basic properties of the constructed graph.

Table 7: Properties of the constructed graph.
Attribute Value
Type Heterogeneous
# Node types 5
# Students 34652
# Problems 59109
# Sequences 5766
# Teachers 2024
# Classes 3055
# Total nodes 104606
# Edges 5527865
Density 0.001
Figure 2: The constructed graph between different entities in the dataset

A.4 Implementation settings

After extracting all the features as explained in Section 3.1, we standardized both training and evaluation data using the StandardScaler package from scikit-learn [36]. Standardization helps to bring the features to a common scale, enabling fair comparisons and preventing features with larger magnitudes from dominating the model’s learning process. For tuning the hyperparameters of each predictive model mentioned in Section 3.3, we utilized the RandomizedSearchCV from scikit-learn. We performed 10-fold cross-validation while tuning the hyperparameters. Additionally, we used the scikit-learn package to implement the Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, and Extra Trees methods. For the XGBoost model, we employed the XGBoost Python package [37], while we used the lightgbm package [38] for implementing the LGBM model. We made use of the node2vec package ( for the node2vec implementation described in Section 3.2. The hyperparameters used in learning node embeddings with node2vec are as follows: embedding dimension: 32, number of walks: 100, walk length: 10, and window size: 10. In the end, we utilized various evaluation metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and AUC, employing the scikit-learn package.

A.5 Feature Importance

Figure 3 demonstrates the relative importance of different hand-crafted features in predicting the student grade in setting (I). We make the following observations based on the results presented in this figure.

Figure 3: Feature importance of hand-crafted features explained in Section 3.1


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\(^*\)Co-first authors and equal contributions.

\(^\dagger \)