Leveraging Large Language Models
for Next-Generation Educational Technologies
Neil Heffernan
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Rose E. Wang
Stanford University
Christopher MacLellan
Georgia Tech
Arto Hellas
Aalto University
Chenglu Li
University of Utah
Candace Walkington
Southern Methodist University


Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as a powerful tool in education, offering novel approaches to analyzing educational data and enhancing learning experiences. However, they also present new challenges, such as finding ways to effectively implement LLMs into educational environments to aid, rather than detract, students from learning and ensuring that no toxic or irrelevant content is presented to students. They also present a new host of ethical questions regarding the degree to which LLMs can go in aiding and providing feedback to students. This workshop aims to bring together researchers, educators, and practitioners to discuss these opportunities and challenges in leveraging LLMs for education.


Large Language Models, Generative AI, Natural Language Processing, Personalized Learning


Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as a powerful tool in Education Data Mining (EDM), offering novel approaches to analyzing educational data and enhancing learning experiences [1]. They provide novel opportunities in designing and augmenting learning environments, aiding students and educators in various aspects of the learning process, and helping researchers gain insight into a variety of domains within the field of education. LLMs have been increasingly integrated into learning platforms in a variety of ways to support students, teachers, and researchers. On the students’ side, they offer new possibilities for adaptive learning, personalized tutors, and real-time feedback [765]. On the teachers’ side, LLMs can generate interactive educational content, such as quizzes and simulations, that adapt to individual teaching preferences and hence assist teachers when generating lesson plans [8]. Moreover, LLMs serve as an effective tool for researchers in a variety of settings, including educational data generation and analysis [2].

However, LLMs also present new challenges, such as finding ways to effectively implement LLM-based technologies into educational environments to aid, rather than detract, students from learning and ensuring that no toxic or irrelevant content is presented to students. They also present a new host of ethical questions regarding the degree to which LLMs can go in aiding and providing feedback to students [43].

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers, educators, and practitioners to discuss these opportunities and challenges in leveraging LLMs for education. We will investigate the above-mentioned issues along several topics of interests related, but not limited, to:


As organizers, we bring in the necessary expertise on topics relevant to this workshop. Furthermore, we have extensive experience organizing related workshops (including physical, hybrid, and virtual events). Our expertise and experience in topics related to LLMs for education would ensure that the proposed workshop is successful. Three of the organizers (Heffernan, Moore, and Singla) recently organized a workshop on a similar topic at NeurIPS’23, which received considerable interest from the educational community with about 150 participants and about 50 paper submissions – details are reported in [1]. Below, we provide a full list of organizers and program committee members.


This will be a full-day workshop. The morning will be devoted to presentations and discussions of accepted papers. We will organize presenters into sessions addressing major themes (e.g., “Adaptive Learning”, “Effective Implementation”, “Ethical Considerations”). In total, we expect to have 3-4 themes addressed during the workshop related to LLMs for students, teachers, data analytics, and ethics. Each presenter will have 10 minutes to present, followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussions. At the end of each theme session, we will hold a short panel discussion, including the presenters, structured around the specific theme.

The afternoon will start with a poster session for all the accepted papers. Following the poster session, we will organize free-form discussions consisting of three sets of breakout sessions focusing on specific questions. Attendees can choose which session they wish to attend. Session A will focus more on implementing LLMs into online learning platforms for a variety of student-related purposes, including personalized learning assistants, feedback automation, and chatbots; Session B will focus on using LLMs for teacher-related purposes such as knowledge tracing, content generation, and automated grading; Session C will focus on the ethics of using LLMs, ensuring fair and equal access to LLMs, and considerations regarding open- and closed-source LLMs. More concretely, we plan to address the following questions in these breakout sessions:

Given that the workshop themes are very timely and of huge significance to the EDM community, we expect the workshop will attract considerable interest and engagement. In total, we expect 75-100 participants in the workshop with a range of skills, expertise, and backgrounds.


The workshop program is designed to facilitate new connections and create fruitful partnerships. After the workshop, we will provide online networking and community-building opportunities among the workshop participants, e.g., through a dedicated mailing list or blogs. We will also summarize the findings of the workshop in the form of a technical report that could be useful for the research community.


This workshop will explore the various usages, implementations, and theories supporting the deployment of LLMs into online education. Further, we will examine the dangers, ethical considerations, and potential solutions related to the use of LLMs in education, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of their impact on learning environments. We also intend to explore the best ways to analyze the performance of LLMs, and use LLMs as tools for analysis. We invite papers (of 4 to 8 pages in EDM Proceedings format, not including references) addressing issues related to using LLMs in educational contexts and learning engineering platforms. The key issues and topics of interest for the workshop are provided in Section 1.

We will make the call more welcoming by highlighting that the workshop welcomes attendance from individuals who do not have something they’d like to submit but are still interested in the workshop topics. Based on our previous experience in organizing similar workshops, we expect to receive over 30 submissions and will accept around 20 papers.


Additional authors: Joshua Littenberg-Tobias (WGBH Education, joshua_tobias@wgbh.org) and David Joyner (Georgia Tech, djoyner3@gatech.edu) and Steven Moore (Carnegie Mellon University, stevenmo@andrew.cmu.edu) and Adish Singla (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, adishs@mpi-sws.org) and Zach A. Pardos (University of California Berkeley, pardos@berkeley.edu) and Maciej Pankiewicz (University of Pennsylvania, mpank@upenn.edu) and Juho Kim (KAIST, juhokim@kaist.ac.kr) and Shashank Sonkar (Rice University, ss164@rice.edu) and Clayton Cohn (Vanderbilt University, clayton.a.cohn@vanderbilt.edu) and Anthony Botelho (University of Florida, abotelho@coe.ufl.edu) and Andrew Lan (University of Massachusetts Amherst, andrewlan@cs.umass.edu) and Lan Jiang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, lanj3@illinois.edu) and Mingyu Feng (WestEd, mfeng@wested.org) and Tanja K"aser (EPFL, tanja.kaeser@epfl.ch) and Anna Rafferty (Carleton College, arafferty@carleton.edu) and Eamon Worden (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, elworden@wpi.edu)


  1. P. Denny, S. Gulwani, N. T. Heffernan, T. Käser, S. Moore, A. N. Rafferty, and A. Singla. Generative AI for Education (GAIED): Advances, Opportunities, and Challenges. CoRR, abs/2402.01580, 2024.
  2. D. Hirunyasiri, D. R. Thomas, J. Lin, K. R. Koedinger, and V. Aleven. Comparative Analysis of GPT-4 and Human Graders in Evaluating Praise Given to Students in Synthetic Dialogues. CoRR, abs/2307.02018, 2023.
  3. E. Kasneci et al. ChatGPT for Good? On Opportunities and Challenges of Large Language Models for Education. Learning and Individual Differences, 103, 2023.
  4. M. Lee et al. Evaluating Human-Language Model Interaction. CoRR, abs/2212.09746, 2022.
  5. H. A. Nguyen, H. Stec, X. Hou, S. Di, and B. M. McLaren. Evaluating ChatGPT’s Decimal Skills and Feedback Generation in a Digital Learning Game. In European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, pages 278–293. Springer, 2023.
  6. M. Pankiewicz and R. S. Baker. Large Language Models (GPT) for Automating Feedback on Programming Assignments. In International Conference on Computers in Education Conference Proceedings, Volume I, pages 68–77, 2023.
  7. Z. A. Pardos and S. Bhandari. Learning gain differences between chatgpt and human tutor generated algebra hints. arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.06871, 2023.
  8. Z. Wang, J. Valdez, D. Basu Mallick, and R. G. Baraniuk. Towards Human-like Educational Question Generation with Large Language Models. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pages 153–166. Springer, 2022.