Thinking Causally in EDM: A Hands-On Tutorial for Causal Modeling Using DAGs
Lea Cohausz
University of Mannheim


Depicting causal relationships using Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) has been recognized as an interesting and important methodology from multiple perspectives in Educational Data Mining (EDM). Being able to work with DAGs allows us to gain actionable insights to provide better learning environments and outcomes for students; it allows us to notice and judge algorithmic bias and can even serve as a feature selection tool. Yet, DAGs are often not well known among researchers in EDM. We propose a half-day tutorial aimed at researchers and PhD students with no or only theoretical knowledge of causality and DAGs. The tutorial will consist of a glimpse into the theoretical foundation of causality and DAGs, a practical part on constructing and learning from DAGs using the tool DAGitty, and a theoretical and practical part on learning DAGs from data using the R package bnlearn.


causal modeling, causal graphs, interventions


Predictive models are almost ubiquitous in Educational Data Mining (EDM) [1]. These models can answer questions such as “Who is likely to fail a course?”, “Who is likely to drop out of school?”, or “Is a specific student likely to be able to answer a question correctly?”. Although predictive models can be very helpful, we are often interested in more information than they can provide. As our ultimate goal is to increase students’ learning outcomes and experiences, we also want answers to questions such as “What can a certain student do to increase their chances of passing?”, “Why is a student likely to drop out?”, or “Would the chances of correctly answering the question be higher if they had done another question first?”.

In other words, we aim to receive actionable insights, and in recent years, increasingly more research has stressed the importance of such insights [9211]. A prominent approach to answering the above questions is to use post-hoc Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods, such as LIME, SHAP, or DiCE, which are capable of returning information regarding which variables are relevant for predictions and whether the prediction would change if certain values were different [92]. Although this is very interesting and important in its own right, using these insights to inform our interventions to increase learning outcomes is potentially problematic.

Machine Learning models use correlations between variables, and post-hoc XAI methods likewise return the information that correlated features are important for the prediction. While it is important to know which variables matter for predictions from an explainability point of view, the questions we want to answer are not questions that refer to the prediction of a variable but to real-life relationships; they are not questions on correlation but on causation.

To highlight the distinction, consider the very small example depicted in Figure 1. It shows the true causal relationships between three variables. Suppose we want to predict whether a student will pass an exam. In that case, a Machine Learning model is likely to use the variable Completing Additional Exercise as the two variables are correlated due to their mutual confounder Motivation. An XAI or feature importance method will, therefore, indicate that this is an important variable for the prediction, and we might draw the conclusion that we should recommend the additional exercise to students. From a causal perspective, this would be poor advice, though, as it would not help the students to pass the exam because we are not influencing the real cause, motivation. This example shows that, to gain valuable and actionable insights, it is important to think about causality.

A DAG with three nodes.
Figure 1: An example DAG to demonstrate the difference between causation and correlation.

Causality can be seen as a relationship between two variables where one causes the other [7]. We can only then certainly speak of causality when we actively change the value of one variable, and this changes the value of another variable [7]. In EDM, we usually have settings with many variables that are connected to each other in a variety of ways. By knowing which variables can influence, e.g., learning outcome, dropping out, or class failure, we can intervene in a way that leads to a better outcome. But for this, we need to know about the causal relationships underlying the data [11].

The causal relationships among variables are often expressed in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) – as is also the case in Figure 1. DAGs are graphs with nodes representing variables and oriented edges representing causal relationships [7]. DAGs are helpful in many ways and on many different levels because they provide us with an understanding of the data-generating mechanisms. Most importantly, and as already stressed, they allow us to gain actionable insights, making it possible for us to intervene [115]. Moreover, DAGs can also inform us on other important aspects:

All of these aspects require us to work with DAGs. To be precise, we need to understand two important points:

We want to provide a hands-on tutorial on these two points. In our experience, most researchers and students in the EDM community have no or only theoretical knowledge of DAGs and causality. With our tutorial, we aim to make DAGs accessible to the broader research community.


Our tutorial is aimed at researchers and PhD students who have no or only limited theoretical knowledge of causality and working with DAGs. The tutorial will cover the basics of causality and include hands-on practical parts that are also interesting for those who do know something about causality but have little practical experience with DAGs. It cannot provide a deep dive into causality but will serve as a hands-on starting point.

We start with a theoretical introduction to causality, DAGs, and important concepts regarding this. This will include a brief recap of conditional independence, an explanation of confounders, colliders, and d-separation [7].
Afterward, we introduce DAGitty, a tool that allows us to model DAGs and that helps us in analyzing them. For example, DAGitty tells the user which variables to control for when we are interested in estimating the effect one variable has on another [10].
Finally, we will introduce the R package bnlearn and show how to learn DAGs from observational data using different structure learning methods [8]. We will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the methods.
Throughout the tutorial, we will continuously work with the same example setting, showcasing the need for causal thinking.

2.1 Participants and Materials

The tutorial will be taught in a hybrid setting. To support online participation, one person from the teaching team will attend online and will provide technical assistance as well as manage the break-out rooms there. We can support a maximum of 25-30 participants in total; the distribution of online and in-person participation is not fixed.
We require a projector. Ideally, we also have access to a set-up that makes hybrid participation easier (such as a room microphone and a room camera). Participants need a computer and are required to have R and RStudio installed. We will help with technical problems.
We will provide code in the form of an RScript and a small dataset to support the practical parts of the tutorial. Ideally, we have access to some kind of cloud-based system that allows us to upload the materials and that allows the participants to download them.


Currently, our schedule looks like this:

Hence, the tutorial takes about 3 hours and 45 minutes, which includes breaks.


Lea Cohausz is a PhD candidate in computer science at the University of Mannheim. She has published several papers in the realm of causal modeling [423]. In the past two editions of the EDM conference, she received a Best Student Short Paper award (2022) and a Best Student Full Paper award (2023). She holds two Master’s degrees, one in Data Science and one in Sociology. The combination of these two disciplines allows her to view causal modeling from multiple perspectives. Additionally, she has experience with teaching Bayesian Networks and DAGs in a Master level course at the University of Mannheim.

During the tutorial, Lea will be supported by at least one qualified person from her work group at the University of Mannheim. This person will assist in the online organization and moderation.


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  12. K. Yu, X. Guo, L. Liu, J. Li, H. Wang, Z. Ling, and X. Wu. Causality-based feature selection: Methods and evaluations. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 53(5):1–36, 2020.