Towards Modeling Learner Performance with Large Language Models
Seyed Parsa Neshaei
Richard Lee Davis*
Adam Hazimeh
Bojan Lazarevski
Pierre Dillenbourg
Tanja Käser

Equal contribution


This paper investigates whether the pattern recognition and sequence modeling capabilities of LLMs can be extended to the domain of knowledge tracing, a critical component in the development of intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) that tailor educational experiences by predicting learner performance over time. In an empirical evaluation across multiple real-world datasets, we compare two approaches to using LLMs for this task, zero-shot prompting and model fine-tuning, with existing, non-LLM approaches to knowledge tracing. While LLM-based approaches do not achieve state-of-the-art performance, fine-tuned LLMs surpass the performance of naive baseline models and perform on par with standard Bayesian Knowledge Tracing approaches across multiple metrics. These findings suggest that the pattern recognition capabilities of LLMs can be used to model complex learning trajectories, opening a novel avenue for applying LLMs to educational contexts1.


large language models, knowledge tracing, student modeling


Pre-trained large language models (LLMs), such as BERT [12] and GPT-3 [4], are transformer-based neural networks containing large numbers of parameters (e.g., from 110 million in BERT to 175 billion in GPT-3) trained on massive amounts of natural language data. These models have demonstrated an impressive ability for zero-shot and few-shot learning, which is the ability to generalize to novel tasks when provided with a handful of examples or task instructions in natural language. For example, LLMs have matched or exceeded the performance of bespoke models on several benchmarks, such as computer programming [9], medicine [43], and mathematics [22], demonstrating their ability to leverage learned language patterns across a variety of domains.

In the domain of education, one of the emerging uses of LLMs is integration into intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) [163]. Recent work suggests that LLMs are capable of providing personalized learning experiences to students in multiple domains [40] and in various curricula and topics, including programming [5], biology [35], math [61], or chemistry [53].

So far, the actual work of modeling students’ knowledge and performance has not been handled by LLMs directly. Instead, this task is accomplished by knowledge tracing models that track how students learn over time through their interactions with the ITS. Knowledge tracing models are typically applied to the question-answering part of an ITS and model the evolution of student knowledge based on their responses to previous questions [21137].

Knowledge tracing models in the EDM literature can be categorized broadly into distinct families, each with unique approaches to modeling student learning. The first family of approaches models student knowledge using Markov models, as typified by Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BKT) [3]. Variations of BKT have been developed to incorporate additional dimensions such as student assistance received [23], task difficulty [31], and individualized adjustments to learning and error probabilities [58], enhancing the model’s ability to personalize learning assessments and make predictions.

A second family of approaches uses logistic regression to model learning and predict performance. Logistic regression predictions take the form of \(p(a_{s,t+1}=1|q_{s,t+1},\textbf {x}_{s,1:t})=\sigma (\textbf {w}^T\Phi (q_{s,t+1},\textbf {x}_{s,1:t}))\) where \(a_{s,t+1}\) is the response prediction of learner \(s\) at timestep \(t+1\), \(q_{s,t+1}\) is the question of learner \(s\) at timestep \(t+1\), \(\textbf {x}_{s,1:t}\) is all of the data for learner \(s\) up to timestep \(t\), \(\sigma \) is the logistic function, \(\textbf {w} \in \mathbb {R}^d\) is a trainable weight vector, and \(\Phi (q_{s,t+1},\textbf {x}_{s,1:t})\) is is a vector of \(d\) features representing the learner, question \(q_{t+1}\), and history \(\textbf {x}_{1:t}\). Different feature vectors \(\Phi \) are associated with different models. For example, Performance Factors Analysis (PFA) [32] creates a feature vector that includes the difficulty of each knowledge component \(k\) associated with question \(q_{t+1}\) and the number of correct and incorrect answers on each knowledge component \(k\) by learner \(s\) prior to timestep \(t+1\). Other approaches in this family include Learning Factors Analysis (LFA) [7], DAS3H (which includes continuous time window features) [10], and Best-LR (which is similar to PFA but includes the total prior number of correct and wrong responses in the features) [14].

A third family of knowledge tracing approaches utilizes deep neural networks to model student performance. This approach was pioneered by Piech et al. with the Deep Knowledge Tracing (DKT) model [33], which used a recurrent neural network architecture to process student activity and jointly model skill acquisition at each timestep. Recent advancements in knowledge tracing include the introduction of dynamic memory models like DKVMN [59] and SKVMN [1], which incorporate next skill input and LSTM integration, respectively; EERNN [41] and EKT [24], which utilize exercise textual content; and SAKT [30], which uses self-attentive transformer models for knowledge tracing.

The goal of the current paper is to explore whether LLMs might serve as the basis for a new family of methods for student performance prediction. In this proposed family, student interaction data would be represented by sequences of natural language tokens, and a complete dataset would form a kind of specialized sub-language. Modeling and prediction tasks would rely on an LLM’s ability to recognize or learn the underlying linguistic structure in these sub-languages and extrapolate from seen to unseen data. This approach to student performance prediction is inspired by recent work showing that, under the right conditions, LLMs can act as general pattern machines [28], identifying patterns in sequences of tokens representing numerical data [176608]. These abilities have been demonstrated in multiple domains, including healthcare [25], finance [5726], and transportation [56]. However, to the best of our knowledge, there has been no work investigating the abilities of LLMs to model and predict time-series data about student performance in educational contexts.

Our primary research question, RQ1, is: Can the general pattern matching abilities of LLMs be applied to the domain of student performance prediction? To answer this question, we evaluate two distinct approaches to applying LLMs in this domain, zero-shot prediction and model fine-tuning. For each approach, we ask the question: RQ2: How does the performance of the LLM on three real-world datasets compare to (a) naive baselines, (b) Markov approaches to knowledge tracing, (c) logistic regression approaches, and (d) deep learning approaches to knowledge tracing? Finally, in the context of fine-tuning, we investigate the question: RQ3: Is there a relationship between the scale of a fine-tuned model (in terms of parameter count) and its ability to predict student performance?

In the current work, we selected three datasets from the literature which were previously used in knowledge tracing research. We evaluated our two LLM-based approaches on the data, as well as comparing them with naive baselines and a range of standard knowledge tracing approaches across a set of metrics. We found while the zero-shot approaches were not successful in capturing student knowledge over time, fine-tuned LLMs beat the baselines and exhibited similar or higher performance than standard Bayesian models for knowledge tracing. Our results shed light on the applicability of LLMs as general pattern machines to the task of knowledge tracing, and enhance EDM research by contributing to the research line of the effectiveness of LLMs in pedagogical scenarios.


To compare how LLMs can reliably predict the students’ answers to the questions and thus help in knowledge tracing, we compared their performance against well-established traditional approaches to knowledge tracing.

2.1 Problem Formulation

To model students’ knowledge over time, we followed the approach proposed by Gervet et al. [14]. We define \(S\) as the sequence of answers provided by a student, and \(S_{:i}\) as the sub-sequence of answers provided up to and before point \(i\) in sequence \(S\). We also define \(K_i\) as the ID indicating the skill (i.e., knowledge component) of the current next question. At each point \(i\), we aim to predict the correctness of the student response in the next step, using data from \(S_{:i}\). For simplicity, we consider correct answer as 1, and wrong answer as 0.

2.2 Baselines and Previous Models

For our naive baselines, we used three approaches:

Following [36], we found the mean of all the responses in any given dataset and constantly predicted the same value as a simple baseline. We also computed the (constant) probability of each prediction as the count of responses equal to the mean response, divided by the total number of responses in the whole training dataset.
Next as Previous (NaP)
Taking idea from the approach used by [36], at each step \(i\), we considered the mean of all previous responses in \(S_{:i}\) as the next prediction. We also computed the probability of each prediction as the count of responses equal to the mean response in \(S_{:i}\), divided by the total number of responses in \(S_{:i}\).
Skillwise Next as Previous (NaP Skills)
We extended the NaP baseline by only considering the mean of the previous responses in \(S_{:i}\) with the same skill ID as of the current next question (\(K_i\)), as the next prediction. We also computed the probability of each prediction as the count of responses in \(S_{:i}\) equal to the mean response and with skill ID \(K_i\), divided by the total number of responses in \(S_{:i}\) with skill ID \(K_i\).

Additionally, we evaluated four other approaches to knowledge tracing, shown to be useful in the literature, and described briefly in the following:

Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BKT)
A standard BKT approach which modeled student knowledge as a latent variable, determined by four parameters per each skill: A) prior learning, B) probability of moving from the not-knowledgable state to knowledgable state for a skill, C) probability of applying a skill correctly by accident, and D) probability of applying a skill incorrectly by accident [3658].
Deep Knowledge Tracing (DKT)
A canonical DKT model that utilized an RNN-based long short-term memory (LSTM) deep architecture [33] which helps to reduce information loss due to the integrated gate structure [36,  1918].
Best-Logistic Regression (Best-LR)
A logistic regression model introduced by [14] which was trained on the total number of previous success and error counts in \(S_{:i}\) at each step \(i\).
Self-Attentive Knowledge Tracing (SAKT)
A transformer-based model [46], first introduced by [30], which uses an embedding of information at point \(i\) and predicts a probability for correctness at each step using a one-neuron output layer.

2.3 Fine-tuning LLMs

We constructed a set of prompt-completion pairs to fine-tune LLMs for the task of knowledge tracing. Each prompt includes the details needed for prediction at step \(i\), and the completion includes the answer to be predicted for the current question at each step.

Our approach to constructing input prompts was directly inspired by logistic regression approaches to knowledge tracing [14] which convert student interaction data into a set of features \(\Phi (q_{s,t+1},\textbf {x}_{s,1:t})\). Where our approach differs is that we represent this set of features \(\Phi \) using natural language, and pass the set of natural language features to an LLM which then generates a prediction.

Thus, for our prompts, we used two sets of features as inputs to our models, also among the feature sets used by [14], for each point \(i\). The completion of each prompt is either “CORRECT” or “WRONG”.

1) Minimal Prompt: This prompt includes the ID of the current question (\(= A\)), the total number of correct answers for all prior questions in \(S_{:i}\) (\(= B\)), and the total number of wrong answers for all prior questions in \(S_{:i}\) (\(= C\)). We thus formed our prompt at each step \(i\) accordingly as:

Total correct until now: \(B\)
Total wrong until now: \(C\)
Current question ID: \(A\)
Student response:

2) Extended Prompt: This prompt includes all of the features in the minimal prompt, as well as the following features: \(K_i\), the total number of correct answers for all prior questions in \(S_{:i}\) with skill ID equal to \(K_i\) (\(= D\)), and the total number of wrong answers for all prior questions in \(S_{:i}\) with skill ID equal to \(K_i\) (\(= E\)). We thus formed our prompt at each step \(i\) accordingly as:

Current skill ID: \(K_i\)
Total correct for prior questions with skill ID \(K_i\): \(D\)
Total wrong for prior questions with skill ID \(K_i\): \(E\)
Total correct until now: \(B\)
Total wrong until now: \(C\)
Current question ID: \(A\)
Student response:

We split the digits of all of the numbers used in our prompts by adding a space between each two consecutive digits (for example, “342” was changed to “3 4 2”), as this has been shown to improve the performance when making predictions based on numerical data [17].

We experimented using three different LLMs with different model sizes to observe the effect of larger models on their performance in the task of knowledge tracing:

2.3.1 Fine-tuning BERT

The Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) architecture [12] is a Transformer-based model with around 110 million parameters trained using the masked language modeling approach. Models from the BERT family are commonly used for text classification [1542], especially in educational applications to provide automated feedback to teachers or students [20495527]. We fine-tuned the bert-base-cased model provided by HuggingFace on our data for 3 epochs with a batch size of 32 and Adam optimizer having an initial learning rate of 3e-5. We provided the prompts as inputs to the model, and the binarized version of the completions (1 for “CORRECT” and 0 for “WRONG”) as labels per each input sentence.

2.3.2 Fine-tuning GPT-2

The Generative Pre-trained Transformer 2 (GPT-2) model [34], consisting of around 1.5 billion parameters, is capable of generating text completions, given partial text as input, and has been also used in studies on educational technologies [403847452129]. We used GPT-2 as provided by HuggingFace and fine-tuned it on our data for 2 epochs with a batch size of 4. As input data, we provided concatenated prompts and completions, and separated prompt-completion pairs belonging to each training data point using an <|endoftext|> special token.

2.3.3 Fine-tuning GPT-3

Introduced by Brown et al. [4], this model, consisting of 175 billion parameters, significantly improves upon GPT-2 by exhibiting pattern matching and few-show learning capabilities [4]. We fine-tuned babbage-002, a GPT-3 base model developed by OpenAI, on our training data using the interface provided by OpenAI with default settings. We used the logprobs functionality in OpenAI’s API to calculate the probabilities for output tokens. We computed the probabilities of each of the words CORRECT and WRONG individually by summing probabilities of their starting tokens (e.g., “C” and “COR” for the word CORRECT) extracted from the logprobs data. We then normalized the values by dividing each of the two probabilities over their sum.

2.4 Zero-shot Prediction with GPT-3.5

GPT-3.5 is a recent model developed by OpenAI, trained using the Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) approach, and incorporated in ChatGPT to support users by providing answers in the form of an intelligent conversational agent [54]. Researchers have used GPT-3.5 in zero-shot settings, in which they do not fine-tune the model, but rather ask the model to give an answer based on a single self-describing input prompt with no other contextual input [5248].

We used the same minimal prompt2, as used in our fine-tuning process, for the user message of the prompt at each step \(i\). Furthermore, to define the task for GPT-3.5 and instruct it to reply correctly given no training data, we included the following as the initial system message in each prompt:

“You are an instructor and want to predict whether a student will get a question CORRECT or WRONG. The only information you have is the student’s previous answers to a series of related questions. You know how many questions they got CORRECT and how many they got WRONG. Based on this information, you should make a prediction by outputting a single word: CORRECT if you think the student will answer the next question correctly, and WRONG if you think the student will answer the next question wrong. Output no other word at all, this is very important. Try to estimate the knowledge of the student before making your prediction.”

A diagram showing our prompting approach, along with an example, can be seen in Figure 1 in the appendix.


3.1 Datasets

We evaluated the performance of the different models on three datasets with various sizes from the literature. For all datasets, we used the same train-test split as provided by [14]; the data of 80% of the users was used for training and the rest (20%) for testing. For the zero-shot prediction, due to the absence of the training phase, only the testing sets were used.

This dataset, introduced by Steif and Bier [39], is extracted from the data of an engineering statics course. It consists of 1223 unique problems and 282 unique users. Over all entries, 76.5% (144883) are answered correctly and the rest (44414) are answered incorrectly.
ASSISTments 2009
This dataset is compiled from the data collected using the ASSISTments system [13]. It contains 17708 unique problems and 3114 unique users. Over all entries, 65.9% (183303) are answered correctly and the rest (95033) are answered incorrectly.
ASSISTments 2017
This dataset is also compiled from the data collected using the ASSISTments system [13]. It contains 3162 unique problems and 1708 unique users. Over all entries, 37.4% (349661) are answered correctly and the rest (584977) are answered incorrectly.

We pre-processed the data by discarding the entries of any student who had answered all questions correctly or all questions incorrectly. In this way, we only took into account the students who actively participated in a learning process, rather than those who already knew the topic or did not learn it over time. The removed students included 1.8% of all students in Statics, 5.0% of all students in ASSISTments 2009, and 0.0% of all students in ASSISTments 2017.

3.2 Evaluation and Metrics

We extracted the predicted responses of each of the models, along with their prediction probability, to compare the models we used in our downstream task. We used the following metrics, as defined and implemented in scikit-learn and previously used for evaluating models for the task of knowledge tracing [36], to evaluate our models: Accuracy (Acc), Balanced Accuracy (Bal Acc), Precision, Recall, F1, Area Under Curve (AUC), and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE).


We provide an overview of our results on each of the datasets in each of the sections below. First, we compare the two different LLM approaches, zero-shot prompting on GPT-3.5 and fine-tuning on GPT-3. Then, we compare the LLM approaches to results from naive baselines. Finally, we compare results between a set of widely used knowledge tracing models and the LLM approaches, with the goal of benchmarking the performance of the LLM approaches relative to the other approaches. Tables containing results from all of our evaluation metrics across the three datasets can be found in the appendix (Tables 1, 2, and 3). Plots comparing the AUC and RMSE scores across different models for each dataset can also be found in the appendix (Figures 1a, 1b, and 1c).

4.1 LLM Methods vs. Naive Baselines

We observed that zero-shot approaches behaved worse than or equal to our naive baselines across all our datasets with regard to AUC, with fine-tuned LLMs on each dataset achieving AUC scores of 0.18 to 0.21 more than the zero-shot approach. Additionally, we found that fine-tuned GPT-3 models beat all three naive baselines in the AUC score consistently across the three datasets. The differences in AUC score between the best-performing fine-tuned models and our range of naive baselines ranged from 0.03 to 0.21, consistently in favor of the fine-tuned GPT-3 models. In nearly all cases, LLMs that were fine-tuned and evaluated on extended prompts outperformed LLMs which were fine-tuned on the minimal set of features.3

4.2 Fine-Tuned LLMs vs. Other KT Models

In comparing the GPT-3 models fine-tuned on the set of extended prompts to previously-used knowledge tracing approaches, we found three general trends, persistent across all of the three datasets. First, we observed that the fine-tuned LLMs on the extended prompts achieved higher (for Statics and ASSISTments 2017) or similar (for ASSISTments 2009) AUC scores to the standard BKT model. Second, we observed that other knowledge tracing models (DKT, Best-LR, and SAKT) consistently outperformed our fine-tuned LLMs in terms of AUC score (ranging from 0.04 to 0.13 above the fine-tuned LLMs). Third, we found that the AUC scores of the fine-tuned LLMs generally improved relative to the other knowledge tracing models as the size of the training data increased. For example, the AUC score of the fine-tuned LLM on extended prompts was only 0.02 below the Best-LR and SAKT models in ASSISTments 2017, while this difference grew to 0.13 on the smaller Statics dataset.

4.3 A Note on Fine-Tuning GPT-2 and BERT

We opted not to present metrics associated with fine-tuning GPT-2 or BERT, as neither model achieved the objectives of our task effectively. GPT-2 struggled to consistently predict “CORRECT” or “WRONG” and often produced other different tokens. As a result, we could not obtain a single binary value for each of the predictions, and thus no computation of our metrics was possible. Regarding the text classification BERT model, the predictions made on the test set were all constant values, consistently favoring the majority class over all predictions. Given the constant values in its output, we deemed BERT ineffective for our task, and for brevity, did not report the associated results.


The goal of this work was to explore whether LLMs are capable of modeling learner performance, and if they might offer a new approach to the task of predicting student behavior given prior activity.

Regarding the first RQ (see Section 1), our results indicated that LLMs are, in fact, capable of predicting student performance. Even though the methods we developed were not able to achieve state-of-the-art results, our findings suggest that LLMs can serve as the basis for a new family of approaches to student performance modeling. This potential is further underscored by our investigation into the second and third research questions, which revealed that the effectiveness of LLMs in this domain is influenced by a variety of factors.

Regarding the second RQ (see Section 1), we found stark differences in performance between zero-shot and fine-tuning approaches across all three real-world datasets. In particular, the zero-shot approach failed to beat any of the naive baselines on any meaningful metric, while the fine-tuned LLMs achieved higher AUC than all the naive baselines across all three datasets. On the two smaller datasets, Statics and ASSISTments 2009, the fine-tuned LLM performed roughly equal to BKT. However, on the largest dataset, ASSISTments 2017, the fine-tuned LLM achieved higher AUC, lower RMSE, and higher balanced accuracy than BKT, and performed nearly as well as the other knowledge tracing models we used, with the exception of DKT. These findings indicate that the accuracy of fine-tuned models improves as the volume of training data grows. However, a comprehensive analysis is essential to fully understand the dynamics of this relationship, suggesting a promising avenue for further research.

The third RQ (see Section 1) focused on the relationship between model scale and predictive performance in fine-tuned LLMs. By comparing BERT and GPT-2 with GPT-3, we found evidence suggesting that the model scale has a notable impact on model performance in this domain. The difference in scale and number of the model parameters of BERT and GPT-2 compared to GPT-3 corresponded to a dramatic difference in performance, with BERT’s fine-tuned performance failing to beat the naive baselines, and with fine-tuned GPT-2 producing unusable output. These findings suggest that modeling student performance may be an emergent ability [50], i.e., an ability that emerges in large language models but is not present in smaller models. However, these findings say nothing about whether predictive performance will continue to improve with increasing parameter counts, highlighting a compelling topic for future work within the EDM community.

We found that fine-tuning GPT-3 consistently beat zero-shot prompting of GPT-3.5 across all three datasets, demonstrating that our zero-shot approach, which presented only one data point at a time for prediction with no memory built over time, struggled to identify patterns of student knowledge and learning. A possible explanation for this difference has to do with the way that the knowledge tracing task is represented in the LLM regime. In this regime, a single student’s interaction data is represented as a sequence of natural language tokens, and the full dataset containing each student’s data forms a corpus capturing a kind of specialized sub-language. Modeling and prediction tasks thus rely on an LLM’s ability to recognize or learn the underlying linguistic structure in the sub-language and extrapolate from seen to unseen data. Thus, one possible explanation for the difference in performance was that data points related to knowledge tracing and student modeling were underrepresented in the training dataset behind GPT-3.5. This may also explain why fine-tuning GPT-3 was more effective, as it made it possible for the model to leverage its existing abilities to learn the linguistic structure of the knowledge tracing sub-language. If this explanation is correct, our work shows that there exist natural language representations of the knowledge tracing task that allow an LLM to identify linguistic patterns of student behavior and to produce useful predictions about future performance.

5.1 Limitations and Future Work

We have identified several limitations and areas of concern that warrant further discussion. First, the absence of extensive publicly available details on the GPT-3 fine-tuning process limits understanding the mechanisms through which LLMs can learn to predict student performance. This issue underlines the importance of replicating these findings by fine-tuning an open-source LLM of comparable scale, such as LLaMA 2 [44]. Second, as our methods do not explicitly model the dynamics of student learning or knowledge acquisition, their usefulness in intelligent tutoring systems may be limited. One potential solution to this problem would be to use the fine-tuned model to make separate predictions about a student’s future performance for each skill and to use these predictions to estimate a student’s mastery level for each skill (similar to the method employed in [17]). However, this approach would still fail to explicitly model the latent constructs of interest, and the numerous predictions needed at each timestep would be resource-intensive.

Third, we found that incorporating more information into the prompts led to a modest improvement in the performance of fine-tuned models. This observation calls for a more systematic investigation into the impact of including different features (e.g., the difficulty level of each question) as prompts on model performance. Moreover, despite the fact that our attempts employing a zero-shot approach did not yield successful outcomes, we hypothesize that a chain-of-thought prompting strategy [51] might offer a viable alternative. Finally, our methodological approach involved condensing the history of student interactions into a concise prompt, drawing inspiration from logistic regression approaches. This strategy effectively circumvented the limitations imposed by the LLM’s context length constraints but came at the expense of creating in-context learning opportunities for the model. We call for future works to investigate alternative strategies for incrementally feeding student interaction data into an LLM, allowing it to better engage with the temporal complexity of student interactions without breaching its context window limitations.


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Table 1: Results for Statics dataset (Min = Minimal, Ext = Extended)
Family Model AUC F1 RMSE Acc Bal Acc Precision Recall
Naive Baselines
Mean 0.50 0.87 0.42 0.77 0.50 0.77 1.00
NaP 0.61 0.87 0.41 0.77 0.50 0.77 1.00
NaP Skills 0.63 0.83 0.44 0.73 0.55 0.79 0.87
0-Shot 0.49 0.48 0.54 0.41 0.49 0.76 0.35
FT Min 0.63 0.87 0.41 0.77 0.52 0.78 0.98
FT Ext 0.70 0.87 0.40 0.77 0.53 0.78 0.97
Markov Model BKT 0.67 0.87 0.40 0.78 0.53 0.78 0.99
Logistic Regression Best-LR 0.83 0.89 0.36 0.81 0.65 0.83 0.95
DL: RNN DKT 0.83 0.88 0.36 0.81 0.68 0.85 0.93
DL: Transformer SAKT 0.82 0.88 0.36 0.81 0.67 0.85 0.92

Table 2: Results for ASSISTments 2009 dataset (Min = Minimal, Ext = Extended)
Family Model AUC F1 RMSE Acc Bal Acc Precision Recall
Naive Baselines
Mean 0.50 0.80 0.47 0.66 0.50 0.66 1.00
NaP 0.65 0.79 0.46 0.68 0.58 0.70 0.91
NaP Skills 0.68 0.72 0.49 0.65 0.63 0.75 0.70
0-Shot 0.50 0.48 0.56 0.46 0.50 0.66 0.37
FT Min 0.67 0.79 0.45 0.68 0.60 0.71 0.87
FT Ext 0.71 0.81 0.46 0.70 0.56 0.69 0.98
Markov Model BKT 0.71 0.80 0.44 0.71 0.62 0.73 0.88
Logistic Regression Best-LR 0.76 0.81 0.42 0.73 0.66 0.75 0.88
DL: RNN DKT 0.75 0.81 0.43 0.73 0.66 0.76 0.87
DL: Transformer SAKT 0.72 0.78 0.45 0.70 0.65 0.75 0.81

Table 3: Results for ASSISTments 2017 dataset (Min = Minimal, Ext = Extended)
Family Model AUC F1 RMSE Acc Bal Acc Precision Recall
Naive Baselines
Mean 0.50 0.00 0.48 0.63 0.50 0.00 0.00
NaP 0.60 0.26 0.48 0.65 0.55 0.56 0.17
NaP Skills 0.59 0.35 0.51 0.63 0.56 0.50 0.27
0-Shot 0.50 0.30 0.51 0.57 0.50 0.37 0.26
FT Min 0.66 0.38 0.46 0.66 0.58 0.59 0.28
FT Ext 0.68 0.39 0.46 0.67 0.59 0.63 0.28
Markov Model BKT 0.63 0.27 0.47 0.65 0.55 0.60 0.17
Logistic Regression Best-LR 0.70 0.48 0.45 0.69 0.63 0.62 0.39
DL: RNN DKT 0.77 0.58 0.42 0.72 0.68 0.64 0.54
DL: Transformer SAKT 0.70 0.51 0.46 0.69 0.63 0.60 0.43

The majority completion label in ASSISTments 2017, as opposed to the two other datasets, is “WRONG”. As a result, the Mean baseline gives a constant output of 0, and thus, the number of true positives is zero, which in turn makes precision, recall, and F1 all to be zero.

An overview of our prompting approach, along with an example prompt based on a hypothetical sequence of student answers.
Figure 1: An overview of our prompting approach, following the feature sets used by [14], along with an example prompt based on a hypothetical sequence of student answers.

Comparing the AUC and RMSE scores of different models for Statics.
(a) Statics
Comparing the AUC and RMSE scores of different models for ASSISTments 2009.
(b) ASSISTments 2009
Comparing the AUC and RMSE scores of different models for ASSISTments 2017.
(c) ASSISTments 2017
Figure 2: Comparing the AUC and RMSE scores of different models for Statics (1a), ASSISTments 2009 (1b), and ASSISTments 2017 (1c). GPT-3 approaches are indicated in brighter blue.

1Our code and links to data are available on

2Due to resource limitations, we did not conduct our zero-shot experiment on extended prompts, and leave it for future work.

3Because of this trend, when reporting results from the fine-tuning approaches we will only discuss the extended approach.