GPT vs. Llama2: Which Comes Closer to Human Writing?
Fernando Martinez, Gary Weiss, Miguel Palma, Haoran Xue, Alexander Borelli, and Yijun Zhao
Computer and Information Sciences Department, Fordham University, New York, NY
{fmartinezlopez, gaweiss, mip2, hxue8, aborelli7, yzhao11}


Large Language Models (LLMs) have prompted widespread application across diverse domains. In some applications, human-like quality in output is essential for optimal user experience and credibility. This is particularly evident in applications such as Chatbots. Conversely, concerns arise regarding LLM use in contexts where human authenticity is crucial, notably in higher education with materials like Letters of Recommendation (LOR) and Statements of Intent (SOI). Despite extensive research in this area, accurately distinguishing between human and LLM-generated content remains challenging. This study conducts a comparative analysis between two leading LLMs, GPT3.5 and Llama2-7B, evaluating their output’s resemblance to human writing through vocabulary and structure analysis. Additionally, we apply classification models to detect human vs. LLM-generated content, with higher accuracy signaling deviations from human-like writing. Our findings suggest that both LLMs significantly deviate from human writing in terms of vocabulary and paragraph structure, with GPT-3.5 appearing closer to human. As a result, our classification models achieve near-perfect performance in detecting LORs and SOIs crafted by LLMs. To help detecting such documents in application materials, we have made our models available as online, open-access tools.


GPT, Llama2, Human Writing, Machine Learning, Graduate Admissions, Higher Education


The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to numerous applications across various domains, ranging from creative writing, content generation, and language translation to information retrieval, data synthesis, and more. Notably, there exists a subset of applications where the output’s human-like quality holds significant importance because it will influence the user experience, credibility, and acceptance of the generated content. For example, conversations with a Chatbot should be as close to human as possible.

Table 1: Sample SOI and LOR Prompts for Generating AI Instances
You are applying for a graduate program in Data Science at Fordham University. Write a statement of intent telling a story that explains your reasons for pursuing this program, and how your undergraduate major in Computer Science, and knowledge (python, java, matlab, software, machine learning) have prepared you for success in this master’s program.
Write a statement of intent that explains your reasons for pursuing this program, and how your undergraduate major in Mathematics, GPA of 3.44, and skills (statistics) have prepared you for success in the program.
Please write a recommendation letter for 722000185 who desire a master degree in MSDS at Fordham University. Please describe his passion for statistics and his hard work, creativity, and dedication in his role.
Please write a recommendation letter for 722000185 who desire a master degree in MSCS at Fordham University. Please describe his passion for machine learning, and performance and our relationship is Academic, The statement should have around 400 words.

On the other hand, there’s a parallel argument questioning the use of LLMs in specific applications, particularly in scenarios where the authenticity and genuineness of human input are pivotal. A notable example lies within the higher education domain regarding the application materials such as Statements of Intent (SOIs) Letters of Recommendation (LORs). The ability to distinguish whether these crucial documents originated from the applicants themselves, generated by LLMs, or have undergone revision by such models, remains a challenge. While several tools exist for detecting AI-generated content, a universal and reliable detector applicable across diverse contexts is not yet accessible.

In light of these considerations, evaluating the degree to which LLMs generate text resembling human writing becomes highly valuable. This paper focuses on a comparative analysis between two popular LLMs, GPT3.5 and Llama2-7B, aiming to determine which model’s generated content more closely resembles human writing. To achieve this, we first study the linguistic characteristics, comparing the vocabulary and paragraph structure utilized by GPT3.5 and Llama2-7B against those found in human writings. The findings provide insights into how these LLMs shape their output and their respective closeness to human writing patterns and linguistic nuances. Additionally, we employ classification models designed to detect AI-generated and -revised content produced by each LLM, with a lower accuracy implies greater difficulty of identification, thereby suggesting a closer resemblance to human language.

The data utilized in this study consist of a proprietary dataset of human-authored Letters of Recommendation (LORs) and Statements of Intent (SOIs) extracted from graduate applications at Fordham University, alongside AI-generated and revised counterparts crafted by GPT3.5 and Llama2-7B models, respectively. For details on the generation process, please refer to Section 3.

Our findings suggest that, while both models exhibit advanced capabilities in generating human-like text, GPT3.5 demonstrates closer approximation to human writing in terms of vocabulary size and paragraph structure. This conclusion is further evidenced by the fact that GPT3.5 challenges classification models to a greater extent than Llama2-7B in distinguish AI content.

This study contributes to a better understanding of the differences between two popular LLMs in their capacity to simulate human writing. The implications of these findings extend to various fields, such as content creation and automated writing tasks, where the ability to produce human-like text is desired. Additionally, insights from this study can facilitate the development of effective verification tools to ensure authenticity and credibility in scenarios where human authorship is required. Lastly, since our models achieved near-perfect performance in detecting AI-crafted LORs and SOIs, we packaged them as an online, publicly accessible tool [2] to help detect AI content in application materials.

Figure 1: Experimental Design


Artificially generated text is assumed to be closer to human writing if it is harder to distinguish from human text. Since there is substantial work on using machine learning methods to detect AI-generated text, we begin there. Much of that work is summarized in a survey paper from 2020 after the introduction of GPT-2 [13] and a survey paper from 2023 after the introduction of ChatGPT [4].

Work on distinguishing between artificially generated and human-generated text have relied on feature-based, neural language model-based, and domain specific approaches [4]. Our study, which builds models to distinguish between AI-crafted and human-generated content, utilizes all three of these approaches, and hence this prior work is highly relevant. But in this study we also characterize AI-generated, AI-revised, and human-generated text using linguistic features, such as vocabulary size, words used, and paragraph structure, and this ties in directly with the feature-based approach, so we focus our attention mostly on that work.

One study [11] used the feature-based approach to identify text generated by GPT-2, GPT-3, and Grover, and found that certain features are particularly useful for identifying artificially generated text. These features include lexical diversity, which is the diverse use of words, parts of speech, and phrases, repetitiveness, which is the overuse of particular words, and basic features, which are the counts and percentages of characters, syllables, words, and sentences. AI-generated text often lacks lexical diversity and is repetitive, and counts and percentages of various lexical elements can help identify such text. In particular, one study found that the approaches used by LLMs to select the next token when generating text focuses 80% of its probability mass in the top 500 most common words [12]. Our study performs a similar analyses with generally consistent findings, but provides a great deal more detail with respect to specific results, considers both AI-generated and AI-revised text, and compares the differences between GPT-3.5 and Llama2.

The second approach to identifying AI content relies on transformer-based neural language model. These methods can be divided into zero-shot methods that use the pre-trained models without modification [16] and those that fine-tune the pre-trained language models. The fine-tuning approach is based on fine-tuning large bidirectional language models [22]. RoBERTa [15], which is based on BERT [6], uses fine-tuning to distinguish between human-generated and artificially-generated text by training on samples from each. With this approach, even a few hundred samples can dramatically improve performance [19]. We utilize the fine-tuning approach but additionally employ simpler, non-neural based, models.

Detectors built for a specific domain, or trained on one domain but adapted to another domain, are presumed to be superior to general purpose, domain-independent, detectors, as they can exploit knowledge about the domain. This is supported by various research studies. For example, a detector utilizing RoBERTa [15] to identify physics papers performed well after being fine-tuned to identify biomedicine papers using only a few hundred examples[19]. In another case, it was shown that fake Yelp reviews could be accurately detected by a customized GPT-2 model fine-tuned on the Yelp reviews [25]. In this study we focus on the specific domain of LORs and SOIs, and as a consequence perform very well in identifying AI content.


The experiments described in this study require a set of human-authored documents and corresponding AI-crafted counterparts for each of the LLMs. For the human-authored documents, we resorted to LORs and SOIs submitted to two Master’s programs at Fordham University. For the AI-revised and AI-generated documents, we crafted a counterpart for each LOR and SOI using the GPT3.5 and Llama2-7B APIs. Details of the generation process are provided in Sections 3.2 and 3.3.

This study received approval from Fordham University’s Institutional Review Board and informed consent was waived based on the accepted criteria in the United States. All procedures were conducted in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations.

3.1 Human-Authored Documents

The data comprising human-authored LORs and SOIs, denoted as \(H\) onwards, are sourced from a proprietary education dataset comprising 3,841 LORs and 1,552 SOIs extracted from the application records of Master’s programs in Computer Science and Data Science at Fordham University. All applications were submitted prior to the release of ChatGPT and widespread access to LLMs. These programs are administered by the Computer and Information Sciences Department. Names, titles, and locations were pruned from the documents to preserve privacy.

3.2 GPT3.5 Counterparts

GPT3.5-generated counterparts, denoted as \(G_1\) onwards, were created for each human-authored document to facilitate the study. The process began by creating prompts, which involved inserting information (e.g., age, gender, undergraduate major, GPA, and work experience) from the application packages into predefined templates. Sample prompts are provided in Table 1. These prompts were then fed into the GPT3.5 API to generate text as counterparts for the human-authored SOIs and LORs. To diversify the dataset, GPT3.5 was instructed to create documents with varying lengths.

The GPT3.5-revised counterparts, denoted as \(G_2\) onwards, were obtained by using the GPT3.5 API to polish the human-authored SOIs and LORs. This was accomplished by providing the simple prompt "revise the following text," followed by the full text of the SOI or LOR. The temperature parameter setting was fixed at \(0.7\) to be consistent with the default value used by ChatGPT. We further observed that consecutive requests to revise a document often resulted in two notably different versions; hence, we generated two revisions for each human-authored document, enabling us to capture more diversity introduced by the AI. To address the resulting class imbalances, we oversampled the human-authored instances when forming the dataset for building the classification models in detecting AI-revised documents.

After reviewing both types of AI-generated documents, we conducted a post-processing step to eliminate unique placeholders within the text, such as “[Student’s Full Name]," “[Your Position]," etc., similar to what was done for the human-authored documents. This modification aimed to prevent the text from being easily distinguishable from the human version. Table 2 presents a sample LOR generated by GPT3.5 and Llama2-7B, respectively.

Table 2: Sample AI generated LORs
To protect privacy, sensitive information such as student names and recommender affiliations has been redacted from both the AI-generated and human-authored LORs.
GPT3.5 Sample
I am writing to highly recommend _____ for admission to the Master of Science in Data Science (MSDS) program at Fordham University. I have had the privilege of working closely with _____ and have been consistently impressed by his unwavering dedication, outstanding creativity, and strong work ethic.
During his time at _____, has consistently demonstrated his commitment to excellence. His role as a has required not only technical expertise but also the ability to think critically and solve complex problems. _____ has excelled in these aspects, consistently delivering high-quality results on challenging projects.
One of _____’s standout qualities is his creativity. He has a remarkable ability to approach problems from unique angles and generate innovative solutions. His creative thinking has been a valuable asset to our team. _____’s contributions have consistently exceeded our expectations, and his creativity is an asset that sets him apart.
In addition to his technical and creative skills, _____ is a dedicated and hardworking individual. He has shown a remarkable level of commitment to his responsibilities, often going above and beyond to meet project deadlines and deliver results that exceed our clients’ expectations. His work ethic is truly commendable and reflects his strong determination to excel in his field.
I believe that _____ possesses the qualities and potential to thrive in the MSDS program at Fordham University. His passion for data science, coupled with his strong analytical skills and dedication, make him an ideal candidate for your program. I have every confidence that he will make significant contributions to the academic community and excel in the program.
In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend _____ for admission to the MSDS program at Fordham University. His consistent hard work, creativity, and dedication make him an outstanding candidate, and I am confident that he will continue to achieve excellence in his academic pursuits.
If you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact me at _____. I am enthusiastic about _____’s potential and am certain that he will make the most of this educational opportunity.
Thank you for considering his application. I have no doubt that he will make a valuable addition to your program.
Llama2-7B Sample
I am writing to wholeheartedly endorse my colleague and friend, Theo, for his application to the Master of Science in Data Science (MSDS) program at Fordham University. I have had the pleasure of working closely with Theo on various projects over the past few years, and I can confidently attest to his exceptional academic achievements and personal qualities.
Academic Achievements: Theo has consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of data science concepts and techniques, and has shown a remarkable ability to apply these skills to real-world problems. He has a proven track record of success in data analysis, visualization, and machine learning, and has worked on a wide range of projects that have yielded significant insights and results. His academic achievements include:
  • Outstanding academic performance in his undergraduate program, with a GPA of 3.8/4.0
  • Completion of a data science bootcamp, where he ranked first in his class
  • Participation in several data science competitions, where he has consistently placed among the top finishers
Personal Qualities: In addition to his exceptional academic achievements, Theo possesses a unique combination of personal qualities that make him an ideal candidate for the MSDS program at Fordham University. He is:
  • Extremely motivated and dedicated to his work, with a strong desire to continue learning and growing
  • A team player who is always willing to lend a hand and support his colleagues
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, which have allowed him to effectively present his findings and insights to a wide range of audiences
  • Strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which he has demonstrated through his ability to identify and solve complex data-related problems
Areas for Improvement: While Theo is an exceptional candidate, there are a few areas where he could improve. These include:
  • Time management: At times, Theo has struggled to manage his time effectively, leading to delays in completing projects.
  • Public speaking: While he is an excellent communicator in general, Theo could benefit from additional practice in public speaking, particularly when presenting complex data-related concepts.
Recommendation: Based on his exceptional academic achievements, personal qualities, and potential for growth, I strongly recommend Theo for admission to the MSDS program at Fordham University. I am confident that he will excel in this program and make significant contributions to the field of data science.
Thank you for considering Theo’s application.
Sin conclusion, I highly recommend Theo for admission to the Master of Science in Data Science program at Fordham University. He is an exceptional candidate with a strong academic background, impressive personal qualities, and a passion for data science. I am confident that he will make significant contributions to the field and excel in the program.

3.3 Llama2-7B Counterparts

The process outlined in Section 3.2 was replicated using the Llama2-7B model in place of the GPT3.5 API. Consequently, we obtained two mirrored datasets, denoted as \(L_1\) and \(L_2\), for the Llama2-7B generated and revised documents, respectively.

In our downstream experiments, \(G_1\), \(L_1\), and \(D\) are employed to examine the linguistic features of AI-generated text compared to human-authored text, aiming to identify which AI dataset exhibits language more akin to human language. Additionally, these datasets are utilized to construct classification models to detect AI-generated documents in \(G1\) and \(L_2\), with lower performance indicating language closer to that of humans.

Similar experiments are conducted for \(G_2\), \(L_2\), and \(D\) in cases regarding AI-revised text. Further details regarding the experimental methodology are outlined in Section 4.


As noted in Section 1, the objective of this study is to assess which LLM model generates text that closely resembles human writing. Figure 1 illustrates our approach to addressing this objective. The left blue box represents our data preparation process outlined in Section 3. Specifically, the datasets used for this study include human-authored documents (\(H\)), GPT3.5-generated and -revised counterparts (\(G_1\) and \(G_2)\)), and Llama2-7B-generated and -revised counterparts (\(L_1\) and \(L_2\)). These datasets are utilized for statistical analysis and constructing classification models as outlined, as described in the following two subsections.

4.1 Statistical Analysis

To assess the similarity between text generated by an LLM and human writing, one approach is to compare linguistic characteristics like vocabulary size and paragraph structure. As illustrated in the upper green box of Figure 1, we analyze statistics related to these language aspects in AI-generated and revised text for each LLM, in comparison to human-written content. The findings are presented in Table 3.

4.2 Machine Learning Models

Another approach to gauge the similarity between text generated by an LLM and human writing could be constructing binary classification models to differentiate between the two document classes. Here, lower performance signifies greater similarity between instances of the two classes. Therefore, by examining model performance, we can indirectly infer the degree of similarity between AI-generated content and human writing. These experiments are important in their own right, as it is of practical importance whether one can accurately distinguish AI generated or revised text from human text.

As illustrated in the lower red box in Figure 1, this study explores binary classification models to differentiate human-authored documents (i.e., \(H\)) and text in each AI-crafted dataset (i.e., \(G_1\), \(G_2\), \(L_1\), \(L_2\)). Specifically, we investigated four machine learning algorithms for each classification task, including two traditional models (i.e., Naïve Bayes and Logistic Regression) and two state-of-the-art transformer-based models (i.e., BERT and DistilBERT). The subsequent subsections provide brief introductions to these models.

4.2.1 Naive Bayes

The Naive Bayes (NB) [3] model is a popular probabilistic classifier known for its simplicity and efficiency. It assumes feature independence and is widely used in various text classification tasks including spam filtering [20], sentiment analysis [18], and document categorization [26]. Naive Bayes calculates the probability of a given class label for a data instance by combining the individual probabilities of its features under that class, assuming that these features are conditionally independent given the class label. Despite its simplicity and the independence assumption, Naive Bayes often performs remarkably well in practice and serves as a strong baseline model for many classification tasks.

4.2.2 Logistic Regression

Logistic regression (LR,  [14]) is a widely used statistical model for binary classification tasks. It predicts the probability of a binary outcome by applying a sigmoid function to a linear combination of input features, transforming the output into a probability between 0 and 1. Logistic regression is interpretable and efficient, making it suitable for both small and large datasets. It finds broad applications in various fields, including healthcare, finance, and marketing, for tasks such as predicting disease risk [17], customer churn [5], and credit default [10].

4.2.3 BERT

Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) was introduced by Devlin et al. in 2018 [6], and it revolutionized the NLP domain by pre-training on vast amounts of unlabeled text data, enabling it to learn deeply contextualized representations of language. Unlike previous models that processed text in one direction (unidirectional), BERT’s groundbreaking innovation lies in its capacity to comprehend the bidirectional context of words within a sentence, thereby capturing the complexities of language, including nuances, word meanings, and context. This enables BERT to understand the meaning of words in a sentence based on their surrounding context, leading to significant improvements in various NLP tasks such as text classification [9], named entity recognition [23], and question answering [28].

BERT builds upon the Transformer architecture introduced by Vaswani et al. in 2017 [27], specifically leveraging its self-attention mechanism to capture bidirectional context and dependencies within text. Self-attention allows BERT to dynamically assign different levels of importance to each word based on its contextual relevance within the sentence. By attending to both preceding and succeeding words, BERT’s bidirectional self-attention mechanism facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the contextual nuances and ensures that each word’s representation is enriched with information from the entire sentence, enabling BERT to capture complex linguistic patterns and semantic relationships effectively. In addition, BERT’s pre-trained representations can be fine-tuned with task-specific data, making it highly adaptable and effective for a wide range of natural language understanding tasks.

4.2.4 DistilBERT

DistilBERT, introduced by Sanh et al. in 2019 [21], is a modified version of the BERT model [7]. Its primary objective is to match BERT’s performance while significantly reducing size and improving speed. This is accomplished through a process known as “knowledge distillation", where DistilBERT learns to replicate the behavior of BERT with fewer parameters. By condensing the knowledge from the original BERT model into a smaller version, DistilBERT maintains much of its efficacy while decreasing the computational cost. This adaptability makes DistilBERT particularly suitable for deployment in resource-constrained environments, such as mobile devices or applications where speed and efficiency are critical.

Despite its compact size, DistilBERT exhibits impressive performance across a broad range of NLP tasks, making it a popular choice for various NLP applications [2418].

Table 3: Vocabulary and Paragraph Statistics
Human GPT3.5 Llama2-7B Human GPT3.5 Llama2-7B
Total Vocabulary 36,105 4,909 3,804 36,105 18,477 15,630
Exclusive Words 31,660 464 203 19,187 1,559 902
Avg (sentences/paragraph) 4.92 2.78 2.73 4.92 4.12 3.06
Avg (# paragraphs) 2.56 4.87 8.83 2.56 3.98 6.90
Total Vocabulary 35,641 5,593 5,142 35,641 18,702 16,897
Exclusive Words 30,439 391 383 18,504 1,565 1,045
Avg (sentences/paragraph) 4.36 3.94 4.28 4.36 4.32 3.83
Avg (# paragraphs) 5.44 6.01 7.26 5.44 5.75 5.93

Table 4: GPT3.5 (G), Llama2-7B (L) and Human (H) Word Frequency Comparison for 15 Most Common Words
GPT3.5 Preferred
Llama2-7B Preferred
Human Preferred
Word G L H Word L G H Word H G L



unwavering 1878 1061 16 observing 2628 152 22 got 498 0 2
witnessing 1206 546 8 guiding 1845 78 27 get 455 1 3
advancements 748 39 9 contagious 1462 140 14 quite 453 2 1
prowess 565 345 13 non-technical 1126 525 9 lot 374 0 2
showcasing 549 590 5 distill 1018 59 3 although 372 1 1
nontechnical 525 0 11 showcasing 590 549 5 homework 319 1 1
fostering 461 298 2 witnessing 546 1206 8 really 308 1 0
unparalleled 414 616 11 distilling 390 11 0 gave 295 0 2
insatiable 378 150 9 hackathons 310 155 3 though 280 1 0
showcases 304 26 6 fascination 304 34 4 I’m 271 0 0
hackathons 155 310 3 fostering 298 461 2 associate 248 0 0
fosters 114 12 0 cross-functional 291 142 4 reference 239 0 1
representations 114 14 2 sin 247 0 2 man 229 0 101
unyielding 68 0 1 easy-to-understand 210 5 3 times 222 1 91
palpable 59 5 0 digestible 92 26 1 started 220 1 2



additionally 2589 202 129 exceptional 8061 4374 321 months 276 1 105
wholeheartedly 2244 2172 86 confidently 1309 737 61 I’m 271 0 10
self 1128 0 35 admissions 2213 230 80 university’s 196 0 679
showcased 651 121 19 wholeheartedly 2172 2244 77 September 144 0 115
showcasing 561 321 5 privilege 1779 845 64 don’t 143 0 19
inquiries 501 11 11 attest 1211 273 48 weeks 129 1 37
unwavering 384 550 16 observing 1084 51 22 company’s 95 0 78
willingly 288 12 11 guiding 741 86 27 he’s 94 0 14
noting 205 8 8 unwavering 550 384 16 didn’t 93 0 11
recipient 173 107 8 showcasing 321 561 5 June 88 0 51
provoking 138 0 6 revised 206 33 5 cannot 86 0 112
surpassing 102 5 4 recipient 204 173 8 January 73 0 56
fostering 80 44 2 sin 107 0 2 Bachelors 68 1 0
young 78 0 0 insert 56 18 1 learnt 64 0 0
surpasses 46 0 0 fostering 44 80 2 what’s 56 0 5



emphasis 1489 859 67 aligns 979 109 39 get 693 1 1
aligns 1266 979 39 non-technical 380 0 7 three 409 2 5
collaborate 1139 397 46 donor 69 2 3 etc 386 0 0
vibrant 948 437 22 domain-specific 122 0 4 lot 380 2 2
evolving 807 546 46 unlocking 116 0 3 later 299 1 3
ethical 593 340 31 collaboratively 85 65 2 CS 277 0 0
transformative 257 205 9 crystallized 81 0 1 semester 236 1 0
collaborations 209 28 5 showcases 75 108 0 fall 216 0 0
fostering 172 123 8 well-suited 74 0 3 months 202 0 7
partnerships 149 20 6 singular 60 11 0 graduated 199 1 41
young 146 0 0 readmission 43 4 1 going 194 0 3
meaningfully 119 57 6 winding 33 1 0 five 181 0 1
fosters 104 10 5 inclusivity 27 5 0 called 180 0 2
responsibly 41 21 0 downtime 27 6 0 paper 173 1 4
collaboratively 40 85 2 sinquiring 26 0 0 interesting 169 1 3



self 648 6 40 revised 152 112 5 I’m 355 0 147
aligns 622 220 39 transformative 64 111 9 university’s 229 0 957
fueled 308 80 18 unlocking 36 23 3 bachelor’s 226 0 153
young 162 0 0 unwavering 31 75 4 months 202 0 75
rounded 130 0 7 showcasing 22 39 1 company’s 177 0 128
revised 112 152 5 sin 19 0 2 learnt 161 0 0
unwavering 75 31 4 solidifying 15 40 1 today 157 0 50
minded 72 0 2 showcases 12 15 0 people’s 134 0 120
aligning 56 5 1 transitions 11 6 1 programing 128 0 0
fueling 52 3 2 revisions 10 4 0 today’s 126 0 151
solidifying 40 15 1 science-related 10 0 1 ago 97 1 50
showcasing 39 22 1 rephrased 9 1 0 didn’t 97 0 53
surpassing 25 0 0 concerted 8 2 1 cannot 91 0 42
ran 23 6 0 final-year 7 0 0 what’s 75 0 4
noteworthy 15 1 0 hesitant 7 5 1 don’t 75 0 27


5.1 Total Vocabulary and Paragraph Structure Comparison

Table 3 compares vocabulary and paragraph usage between human-authored text, AI-generated text, and AI-revised text. The first notable observation is the strikingly smaller total vocabularies exhibited by both LLMs compared to human-authored documents, particularly in LORs. This discrepancy is consistent in both AI-generated and AI-revised documents, with a more pronounced difference in text generated directly from the prompts. This suggests that LLMs may not effectively capture the richness and diversity of language in human writing, especially in longer compositions like essays or books.

Results in Table 3 also suggest that, while both GPT3.5 and Llama2-7B show differences from human writing, GPT3.5 exhibits linguistic characteristics that appear to be closer to human writing in the following aspects:

Table 5: Model Performance Comparison in Detecting AI Text from GPT3.5 and Llama2-7B

5.2 Word Frequency Comparison

We next analyze the key differences in word frequencies between the LOR and SOI text written by humans and crafted by LLMs. The data for this analysis is contained in Table 4, which displays the top 15 words most preferred by GPT3.5, Llama2-7B, and humans. The degree of word preference for GPT3.5 (Llama2-7B) is measured by how much more frequently the word is used in the GPT3.5 (Llama2-7B) text than in the human text, while human word preference is measured by its prevalence in human text versus GPT3.5 and Llama2-7B crafted text. The word frequency statistics are calculated separately for LORs and SOIs and for the AI-generated and AI-revised documents.

Our analysis first compares the collective word usage of GPT3.5 and Llama2-7B with that of humans. One interesting pattern that is evident from Table 4 is that the most preferred GPT3.5 and Llama2-7B words occur much more frequently than those favored by humans. For example, only one human preferred word, “get,” occurs over 500 times, but thirty-seven GPT3.5 and Llama2-7B preferred words occur at least that frequently (the leader is “exceptional,” used by Llama2-7B 8,061 times in the revised LORs). This demonstrates that both LLMs heavily use a small, favored, set of words.

An even more apparent difference is that the LLMs utilize a more advanced and formal vocabulary. While the AI-preferred words near the top of Table 4 include “unwavering," “witnessing," “observing," and “guiding," the human-preferred words are very simple and include “got," “get," “quite," and “lot." If one scans down the three columns that contain the words, it is clear that the shortest words are the human-preferred words. Additionally, the human-preferred words are more colloquial as they include 10 total, and 5 distinct, contractions, while there is not a single contraction among the GPT3.5 and Llama2-7B-preferred words (formal writing avoids contractions). The AI-preferred words also include many highly descriptive adjectives, while such adjectives are almost totally lacking in the human-preferred words. The human-preferred words include seven total and five distinct possessives (e.g., people’s), while none of the preferred GPT3.5 or Llama2-7B words are possessives. A closer look at the human-preferred possessives shows that those words do show up in the Llama2-7B text, just not as preferred words, but that none of those possessives ever show up in the GPT3.5 text (i.e., the corresponding value is always 0).

The differences between the preferred words for GPT3.5 and Llama2-7B are less extreme, but there are still some notable differences. Eight of the Llama2-7B preferred words are hyphenated (e.g.,“non-technical") whereas none of the GPT3.5-preferred words are hyphenated. The Llama2-7B preferred words also include an erroneous word, “sin," which is used quite frequently for both LORs and SOIs. A detailed analysis of the text shows that Llama2-7B often uses “sin" rather than “in," as both “sin the highest regard" and “sin conclusion" appear repeatedly. The sample Llama2-7B LOR in Table 2 presents such an example in its conclusion section.

Experience reviewing the actual AI-generated documents has revealed some other differences. We have observed that the Llama2-7B-generated SOIs frequently create fictitious descriptions of charitable efforts that repeatedly use words like “donor." One representative example is “For example, I worked on a project that involved developing a web application for a local non-profit organization, which allowed them to manage their donor database and track their fundraising efforts more efficiently." Such instances suggest that Llama2-7B may use a template-based approach to add details to the textual descriptions, and does so in a somewhat repetitive and superficial manner.

5.3 Performance Analysis

We next compare the model performance in detecting AI-generated and revised text from GPT3.5 and Llama2-7B. All experiments randomly selected 80% of the available data for training and used the remaining 20% for testing and was repeated five times, with average performance reported in Table 5. Additionally, we provide a breakdown of performance by document type (LORs, SOIs, and mixed LOR+SOI) for both AI-generated and AI-revised text, respectively.

5.3.1 Overall AI Detection Peformance

The results in Table 5 indicate that near-perfect accuracy can be achieved for classifying AI content across each document type crafted by both LLMs. While base models occasionally exhibit lower effectiveness with overall accuracies between 70%-80%, BERT and DistilBERT consistently perform above 99% across all scenarios. This outcome is somewhat expected, as distinguishing AI-crafted LORs and SOIs can often be accomplished with confidence by humans through signature words (e.g., “showcase," “witness," etc.) or distinctive sentence and paragraph structures (e.g., bullet points in Llama2-7B documents). It is worth noting that these models were trained using LOR and SOI data and thus were optimized for detecting AI content in these specific types of text. Additional experiments that are not presented in this paper show that these models cannot accurately detect AI content on text domains on which they were not trained.

We have made our detection models, constructed using LOR and SOI data from human and GPT-3.5 sources, publicly accessible. This online tool can be used to detect AI content (optimized for GPT3.5 output) in LORs and SOIs [2]. It contains two groups of models: one for distinguishing between human-authored and AI-generated text, and another for distinguishing between human-authored and AI-revised text.

5.3.2 Detecting GPT3.5 vs. Llama2-7B Content

The blocks under the M1-M2 column present the difference in performance for each model in classifying each category of documents produced by Llama2-7B and GPT3.5. A green cell indicates M1\(>\)M2, which implies it is easier for M1 to identify its AI content, thereby suggesting Llama2-7B deviates more from human language than GPT3.5.

We observe that for the AI-generated documents, the corresponding M1-M2 blocks are dominated by green cells, suggesting text generated by GPT3.5 poses more challenges for the classification models than those from Llama2-7B. While the differences are small in many cases, the overall pattern suggests a compelling trend.

A similar pattern exists for the AI-revised documents, with an exception for the SOIs where logistic regression failed to achieve green cells in the corresponding M1-M2 block. One potential explanation is that LLMs have less freedom in revising a document than generating it from a prompt. Llama2-7B may have made fewer drastic changes than GPT3.5 in the features on which the LR model relies to make its decisions. Nevertheless, we consistently observe a dominating trend of green cells, suggesting text revised by GPT3.5 is harder to distinguish and, hence, a closer approximation to human language. This finding is consistent with our linguistic analysis presented in Sections 5.1 and 5.2.


In this study, we applied statistical analysis and classification models to conduct a comprehensive study of AI-crafted text produced by two popular LLMs and compare their output to human-authored documents in the education domain. Our findings reveal substantial differences in vocabulary size and paragraph structure between LLM text and human writing. While both GPT3.5 and Llama2-7B deviate from human writing conventions to some extent, GPT3.5 demonstrates linguistic characteristics that are more consistent with human writing, particularly in terms of paragraph structure. Furthermore, Llama2-7B diverges from human writing norms by incorporating bullet points in LORs and exhibits a notable issue of repeatedly fabricating the same work experience when generating LORs from the prompts. These findings illustrate the capabilities and limitations of LLMs in replicating human writing and have implications for various applications in natural language processing.

We anticipate two main areas for future work. Firstly, there is room to enhance LLMs to produce text that closely mimics human writing, particularly for applications where human-like quality is desired. This entails refining language generation algorithms and training models on diverse datasets to capture the richness and nuances of human language. Secondly, there is a need to develop robust AI-content detectors capable of distinguishing between human-authored and AI-generated content across various domains. While our classification models demonstrated superb performance, further experiments revealed their lack of generalizability to other domains. A practical, general-purpose detector is critical for applications where ensuring human authenticity and trustworthiness is essential.


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